Adoption of ‘Corona bonds’ and emergency economic measures by the European Council
Question for written answer E-002013/2020
to the Council
Rule 138
Pernando Barrena Arza (GUE/NGL), Diana Riba i Giner (Verts/ALE)
The lack of plans and of a strong solidarity-based response, given the refusal by some Member States to the issuing of ‘corona bonds’ — a joint debt instrument guaranteed by European countries on a mutual basis — as called for by eight Member States, has in the eyes of the European public called into question the need for an urgent and solidarity-based response to the social and economic effects of the pandemic. At its most recent plenary session, the European Parliament called for the adoption of solidarity-based emergency economic measures, criticising the delay in their adoption and calling for the debt to be mutualised.
- 1.Does the Council intend to reconsider the question of adopting significant and robust measures taking due account of economic solidarity?
- 2.Will it reconsider the issuing of ‘corona bonds’?