Answer given by Ms Gabriel on behalf of the European Commission
Gender equality in sport is a general principle underpinning all Commission actions in the field of sport. The Commission raises awareness of the need to ensure the gender balance in sport within the limit of the EU competences as defined by Article 165 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). The Commission is currently working on the follow-up of the proposal for Strategic Actions 2014-2020 on gender equality in sport[1], with the aim to renew its commitments by 2021.
The arrangement for cooperation between the Commission and UEFA[2] includes joint efforts to promote gender equality in sport. The Commission cooperation with UEFA does not extend to actions or events organised by FIFA[3]. The TFEU does not give the Commission the competence to interfere in the internal organisation of an independent international organisation such as FIFA. In addition, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, including the prohibition of discrimination based on sex, applies only to the institutions of the EU and its Member States when implementing European Union law, which does not seem to be the case in the application of the FIFA Regulations.
In some sports such as football, the revenues generated by women players (including training compensation for football clubs) are not at the same level as those generated by men. That might play a role in the differences in remuneration. Elements other than salary also play an important role in increasing gender equality in football and need to be addressed with comprehensive actions, such as promoting the visibility of women’s sports in the media, countering gender stereotypes and governance reforms of sport organisations.