Parliamentary question - E-000427/2021Parliamentary question

EU mental health strategy

Question for written answer  E-000427/2021
to the Commission
Rule 138
Tomáš Zdechovský (PPE), Radka Maxová (Renew), Maria Walsh (PPE), Alex Agius Saliba (S&D), Estrella Durá Ferrandis (S&D)

In its response to Written Questions E-002466/2020 and E-004545/2020 underlining the need for a comprehensive EU mental health strategy (as also called for by the Finnish Presidency Council conclusions (2019) and the EPSCO Council (2019), the Commission lists a number of its current initiatives addressing mental health.

While we appreciate the Commission’s attention to mental health and the steps that are currently being taken, we would like to reiterate the urgent need for a dedicated and specific mental health strategy, also in view of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is forecast to bring about a ‘third wave’ of mental ill-health.

Does the Commission agree that such a strategy could help Member States prepare for the urgent and increasing need for prevention of mental ill-health, and the promotion of mental health?

Last updated: 11 February 2021
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