Parliamentary question - E-002424/2021(ASW)Parliamentary question

Answer given by Ms Simson on behalf of the European Commission

As described in the EU Strategy on Offshore Renewable Energy[1], the Commission aims for the installation of at least 100 megawatt (MW) of ocean energy by 2025 and 1 gigawatt (GW) by 2030, with a view to reach 40 GW by 2050. In order to reach these levels, swift action is necessary.

Since the adoption of the strategy in November 2020, the Commission has initiated several coordinated actions to operationalise this commitment. The draft Horizon Europe work programme[2] includes a variety of calls to support ocean energy. In addition, through its Strategic Energy Technologies (SET) Plan[3], and particularly through the Implementation Working Group on Ocean Energy[4], the Commission is engaging with national authorities and research institutes to align potential research and funding.

In February 2021, the Commission asked Member States to list their ocean energy projects and funding pipeline. This will complement an overview of Ocean Energy Europe[5], in coordination with the Commission, in order to identify funding needs and opportunities.

Taking into account the above, the Commission will intensify its coordination with national and regional authorities, as well as with industry. One area of attention will be the funding of ocean energy demonstrating projects and de-risking projects using private and public funding. In addition, the Commission is working on a roadmap towards 2030 to support the market uptake of ocean energy.

Last updated: 5 July 2021
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