Answer given by Mr Breton on behalf of the European Commission
The European Data Relay System (EDRS) is being implemented and jointly financed as a Public Private Partnership (PPP) between the European Space Agency (ESA) and Airbus Defence & Space (ADS). ESA funds the initial system and infrastructure development while ADS implements the ground segment and the space segment including launch and is responsible for full exploitation and further development.
The European Commission does not fund directly the system but is its anchor customer through the Copernicus programme and the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 missions. The EDRS service provides the capability for the acquisition of Sentinels data complementary to the X-band core ground stations, allowing to increase availability of data and support quasi-real time observation needs.
The service provided by EDRS in support to the Sentinels is procured via a dedicated Service Level Agreement contract between ESA and ADS and the budget is available under the EU-ESA Delegation agreement.
The current benefits for the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and Frontex are indirect and are related to increased volume of Sentinel-1 data. Future benefits of the EDRS will come also from the Copernicus contributing missions particularly for the fast tasking capabilities as well as the global Near Real-Time (NRT) deliveries, coupled with the Very High Resolution of the new sensors.