Désir d’enfant
Question for written answer E-004271/2021
to the Commission
Rule 138
Alessandro Panza (ID), Jaak Madison (ID), Susanna Ceccardi (ID), Alessandra Basso (ID), Isabella Tovaglieri (ID), Gianantonio Da Re (ID), Mara Bizzotto (ID), Gianna Gancia (ID), Nicolaus Fest (ID), Silvia Sardone (ID), Joachim Kuhs (ID), Valentino Grant (ID), Maximilian Krah (ID), Annalisa Tardino (ID), Paolo Borchia (ID), Simona Baldassarre (ID), Guido Reil (ID), Stefania Zambelli (ID)
On 4 and 5 September, Paris hosted an event called Désir d’enfant (‘desire of a child’). This is a real market with businesses, sellers, buyers and hard global competition to obtain the highest possible profits from the practice of surrogacy.
There, as in other places, clinics promoted in vitro fertilisation, and especially the chance to choose a future child’s characteristics, with the aim of creating a perfect embryo. Otherwise to save money, one can choose existing frozen ‘ready-to-use’ embryos without the chance to create one’s own child as desired.
This practice represents a real commercial deal: the already existing embryos are cheap, and, if you want to set up your own child, you have to pay more.
This practice consists of selling real babies and exploiting women and their reproductive capacity.
Surrogacy is an aberrant practice and the practice of buying and selling children is disconcerting from both an ethical and moral point of view.
Therefore, we ask to the Commission:
- 1.What is its position on this state of affairs which is occurring in European countries?
- 2.Has it considered condemning these kinds of initiatives, since they do not fit with the idea of progress, guaranteed rights or women’s emancipation?
- [1] This question is supported by a Member other than the authors: Jean-Paul Garraud (ID)