Parliamentary question - E-004836/2021(ASW)Parliamentary question

Answer given by Vice-President Šuica on behalf of the European Commission

Follow-up to the Green Paper on Ageing and its consultation takes place in a number of work strands. For the moment, the Commission is not considering presenting a white paper on ageing or a specific age equality strategy.

The Commission is instead working to integrate and mainstream aspects related to demography and equality, including as regards age discrimination, in all relevant EU policies, legislation and funding programmes.

Council Directive 2000/78/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation effectively bans discrimination based on age within its scope.

In complement to such measures, the European Pillar of Social Rights[1] includes the principles on equal opportunities, work-life balance, old-age income and pensions, healthcare and long-term care as well as access to essential services. Its Action Plan[2] puts forward a number of further actions to support a Union of Equality.

In the framework of the action plan to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights and building on the Green Paper on Ageing[3], the Commission will present a European Care Strategy in 2022 to address both carers and care receivers, from childcare to long-term care.

Also, the European Accessibility Act[4] strives to ensure that digitalisation is an inclusive process improving access to services.

Last updated: 12 January 2022
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