Parliamentary question - E-005627/2021(ASW)Parliamentary question

Answer given by Ms Vălean on behalf of the European Commission

1. The Commission is aware of the challenges, which some aircrews may face as a result of authorities’ difficulties ensuring the full enforcement of applicable labour laws[1]. As announced in its call for evidence[2] for the review of the Air Services Regulation[3], the Commission will assess options to further promote social responsibility in air services. This could in particular include measures, such as a definition of ‘operational base’, to support better enforcement by national authorities of their existing labour laws.

2. The Workplace Directive 89/654/EEC[4] does not apply to means of transport used outside the undertaking and/or the establishment, or workplaces inside means of transport. Currently, there is no intention to issue an individual Directive in the sense of Article 16 of the framework Directive[5] that is specific to in‐flight workplaces. In any case, the provisions of the framework Directive fully apply to workers in all sectors, including the aviation sector.

3. Competent national authorities are to ensure that EU and national legislation protecting aircrews are correctly and effectively applied by individual companies. The Commission supports Member States in identifying best practices to help better enforce those rules: a dedicated group of Member State experts on social matters related to aircrews has produced papers on self-employment, the enforcement of applicable labour law and oversight matters[6]. The group is now working on a paper on work through intermediaries.

Last updated: 28 February 2022
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