Access to information on Team Europe
Question for written answer E-000370/2022
to the Commission
Rule 138
Sira Rego (The Left)
The ‘Team Europe’ package of measures, specifically its Team Europe Initiatives (TEIs), has rallied many Member States to get behind Europe, and Spain has been one of the most active. It is very difficult, however, to find information on the package, particularly as regards its financing. Apparently, funding from the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) is to be used to finance the measures, but there is no specific budget heading for that. The fact that civil society has not been involved in the initiatives has also been criticised. These initiatives affect major EU policies, such as migration policy. Spain is spearheading the TEI for a Comprehensive Migration Approach along the Central Mediterranean route and the TEI for a Comprehensive Migration Approach along the Atlantic Route. Regarding these initiatives and the Team Europe measures:
- 1.What funds and budget headings will be drawn on to finance the initiatives and within what time frames? Who will be able to access all this information?
- 2.What will the programmes of the two initiatives look like?
- 3.Which European and national actors will be involved and at what level?