Parliamentary question - E-000424/2022Parliamentary question

Meeting between the President of the Republic of North Macedonia and representatives of separatist organisations 

Question for written answer  E-000424/2022
to the Commission
Rule 138
Angel Dzhambazki (ECR)

The President of the Republic of North Macedonia has met with the separatist ‘United Macedonia’ organisations (OMOs) ‘Ilinden’ and ‘Ilinden-Pirin’, which have for years been funded to promote the separation of the Blagoevgrad region from Bulgaria and to instil the lie of ‘Greater Macedonianism’.

This is a violation of the Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighbourliness and Cooperation, as it runs contrary to Article 11, which states:

Neither Contracting Party will take, incite or support actions against the other State which are unfriendly in nature.

Neither Contracting Party will allow its territory to be used against the other by organizations and groups which have the purpose of committing subversive and separatist acts threatening the peace and security of the other Contracting Party.

The two Contracting Parties have no, and will not make any, territorial claims against each other.

I would therefore like to ask the Commission the following:

Last updated: 9 February 2022
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