Application of the Regulation on packaging and packaging waste to the wine sector
Question for written answer E-000886/2023
to the Commission
Rule 138
César Luena (S&D)
On 30 November 2022, the Commission presented its proposal for a new regulation on packaging and packaging waste. Article 26(5) lays down targets on re-use and refill for manufacturers and final distributors of wine (with the exception of sparkling wine). It states that, from 1 January 2030, 5% of those products will have to use packaging that can be re-used or refilled. That figure rises to 10% for 2040.
- 1.What are the packaging rules for wine produced and packaged in one Member State but sold in another?
- 2.Article 44 on deposit and return systems for plastic and metal packaging exempts wine and wine products (among others). However, paragraph 6 states that Member States should endeavour to establish and maintain deposit and return systems for single use glass beverage bottles. Are these two provisions not contradictory? Has the Commission taken into account the impact on the sector if the decision to set up such systems varies from one Member State to another?
Submitted: 15.3.2023
Last updated: 22 March 2023