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Parliamentary question - E-001975/2023(ASW)Parliamentary question

Answer given by Ms Kyriakides on behalf of the European Commission

The Commission is preparing legislative proposals to revise the legislation on the protection of kept animals.

An important part of the ongoing reflection is the inclusion of specific provisions on the protection of cats and dogs in commercial breeding establishments and in trade.

In doing so, the Commission has consulted the experts taking part to the ‘Voluntary initiative on the health and welfare of dogs and cats in trade’, working under the EU Platform on animal welfare[1]. Furthermore, the Commission requested scientific and technical assistance by the European Food Safety Authority on several questions regarding breeding of cats and dogs in commercial establishments.

An impact assessment of potential policy options is ongoing. The assessed potential policy options include measures, such as limits on the frequency of pregnancies and requirements for care, socialisation, environmental enrichment and exercise for dogs and cats, and the approval of commercial breeding establishments by the competent authorities.

Last updated: 27 July 2023
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