Parliamentary question - E-002692/2023Parliamentary question

Will animal welfare legislation be revised in this mandate?

Question for written answer  E-002692/2023
to the Commission
Rule 138
Annika Bruna (ID), Aurélia Beigneux (ID)

An article in the online newspaper ‘Contexte’ of 12 September 2023 mentions rumours that the proposed revision of animal welfare legislation, which is due to be presented by the Commission this autumn, is being abandoned.

This revision could be postponed to be dealt with by the next Commission in the next political mandate, i.e. until after the European elections.

However, various European Citizens’ Initiatives, such as ‘Fur Free Europe’, ‘End the Cage Age’ or ‘Commit to a Europe without animal testing’, have been very successful. Animal welfare is therefore an important issue for Europeans.

Can the Commission clarify its intentions with regard to this reform?

Submitted: 19.9.2023

Last updated: 25 September 2023
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