Parliamentary question - E-003523/2023Parliamentary question

Sanctions on Russian LNG and natural gas imports

Question for written answer  E-003523/2023/rev.1
to the Commission
Rule 138
Kathleen Van Brempt (S&D)

By 2027, Russian gas, oil and coal imports should be phased out. There is a ban in place for coal and seaborne oil, but not for natural gas/liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports.

After the US, Russia is still the second largest supplier of LNG to the EU, representing 12 % of total imports, leading to USD 10 million of daily revenue for Russia.

Fluxys, the Belgium-based natural gas transmission operator, owns a gas terminal in Zeebrugge, which is one of the major transit hubs for Russian LNG. Fluxys has a long-term contract until 2039 with Russian Yamal LNG, supplying LNG from North Siberia. Around half of the LNG from Zeebrugge goes to the EU via pipelines. The other half is shipped to China, Japan and other parts of the world.

Fluxys claims that it cannot unilaterally stop imports, owing to breach of contract, juridical consequences and fines. It says it can only act if the EU decides to take action.

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Last updated: 3 January 2024
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