Parliamentary question - E-003683/2023Parliamentary question

Deforestation and paper packaging

Question for written answer  E-003683/2023
to the Commission
Rule 138
César Luena (S&D)

At its plenary session on 22 November 2023,the European Parliament, adopted its position on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation. Unlike the original Commission proposal, it includes a number of exemptions for cardboard and the paper industry with regard to reuse targets[1]. At the same time, the text recognises the large amounts of virgin raw material used for paper and the waste the latter entails. In addition, the non-governmental organisation WWF has warned that the unsustainable felling of trees for paper and pulp is one of the factors contributing to global deforestation[2].

In view of the above:


Last updated: 20 December 2023
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