Potential non-compliance with European rules and regulations of Next Generation funding to the Altri factory project in Palas de Rei (Galicia)
Question for written answer E-000963/2024/rev.1
to the Commission
Rule 138
Ana Miranda (Verts/ALE)
Altri is planning to build a cellulose and textile fibre factory in Palas de Rei in Lugo. There is grave concern in Galicia about the site’s potential environmental and socioeconomic impact.
The site will be built if it receives Next Generation funding by way of the PERTE projects. In 2023, Altri’s proposal for PERTE funding as part of the industrial decarbonisation project was rejected for non-compliance with European rules and regulations. However, the company continues to apply for European recovery funds.
Were proposals for EU funding to be made for the project, certain aspects should be considered in the environmental assessment. These include: high water and energy consumption, potential pollution of the river Ulla and the Arosa estuary, as well as dependence on eucaliptus wood, which only add to the monoculture forestry model and contribute to the loss of biodiversity.
In the light of the above:
- 1.Is the Commission aware of this project and whether any proposals have been submitted to receive EU funding for it?
- 2.Does the Commission consider this type of project to be compliant with the DNSH principle, within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852?