Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
Wednesday 13 July 2016, 9.00 – 12.30 and 15.00 – 18.30
Thursday 14 July 2016, 9.00 – 12.30 and 15.00 – 18.30
Room: József Antall (4Q1)
13 July 2016, 9.00 – 12.30
1. Adoption of agenda
2. Chair’s announcements
3. Approval of minutes of meeting of:
- 13-14 June 2016 PV – PE584.244v01-00
4. Update on Trilogues and Events:
- OECD Conference on the Digital Economy held in Cancun on 21-23 June 2016 - Andreas Schwab (EPP)
5. Presentation by the Commission:
- European standardisation policy, including ICT priority standards plan
6. Presentation by the Commission of the approach to online platforms
7. An Aviation Strategy for Europe
Rapporteur for the opinion: |
Anneleen Van Bossuyt (ECR) |
Responsible: |
TRAN* – |
Pavel Telička (ALDE) |
- Consideration of amendments
- Consideration of compromise amendments
8. Presentation by the Commission: European Agenda for the collaborative economy
9. Laying down rules on the making available on the market of CE marked fertilising products
***I 2016/0084(COD) COM(2016)0157 – C8-0123/2016
Rapporteur: |
Adam Szejnfeld (PPE) |
Responsible: |
- Presentation by the Commission
- Exchange of views
* * *
13 July 2016, 15.00 – 15.45
10. General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2017 - all sections
Rapporteur for the opinion: |
Liisa Jaakonsaari (S&D) |
Responsible: |
BUDG – |
Jens Geier (S&D) |
- Consideration of draft opinion
- Exchange of views with BUDG Rapporteur
13 July 2016, 15.45 – 16.45
*** Electronic vote ***
11. Control of the acquisition and possession of weapons
***I 2015/0269(COD) COM(2015)0750 – C8-0358/2015
Rapporteur: |
Vicky Ford (ECR) |
PR – PE578.822v01-00 |
Responsible: |
- Adoption of draft report
*** End of electronic vote ***
13 July 2016, 16.45 – 17.15
12. Green Paper on Retail Financial Services
Rapporteur for the opinion: |
Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto (S&D) |
Responsible: |
ECON – |
Olle Ludvigsson (S&D) |
- Consideration of amendments
13 July 2016, 17.15 – 18.30
In camera
13. Coordinators’ meeting
* * *
14 July 2016, 9.00 – 9.45
*** Electronic vote ***
14. Green Paper on Retail Financial Services
Rapporteur for the opinion: |
Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto (S&D) |
Responsible: |
ECON – |
Olle Ludvigsson (S&D) |
- Adoption of draft opinion
15. An Aviation Strategy for Europe
Rapporteur for the opinion: |
Anneleen Van Bossuyt (ECR) |
Responsible: |
TRAN* – |
Pavel Telička (ALDE) |
- Adoption of draft opinion
16. Directive of the European parliament and of the Council on the Union legal framework for customs infringements and sanctions
***I 2013/0432(COD) COM(2013)0884 – C8-0033/2014
Rapporteur: |
Kaja Kallas (ALDE) |
Responsible: |
- Adoption of draft report
*** End of electronic vote ***
14 July 2016, 9.45 – 11.00
Joint Committee with JURI (rule 55)
17. Contracts for the supply of digital content
***I 2015/0287(COD) COM(2015)0634 – C8-0394/2015
Rapporteurs |
Evelyne Gebhardt (S&D) |
Responsible: |
Opinions: |
ITRE – |
Decision: no opinion |
CULT – |
Decision: no opinion |
LIBE – |
Marju Lauristin (S&D) |
Presentation of the working document - see separate draft Agenda
18. Contracts for the online and other distance sales of goods
***I 2015/0288(COD) COM(2015)0635 – C8-0391/2015
Rapporteur: |
Pascal Arimont (PPE) |
Responsible: |
Opinions: |
CULT – |
Decision: no opinion |
JURI* – |
Heidi Hautala (Verts/ALE) |
- Presentation of the working document
14 July 2016, 11.00 – 12.30
19. Presentation of the Council Presidency’s programme by Deputy Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini and Economy Minister Peter Žiga
* * *
14 July 2016, 15.00 – 18.30
20. Presentation by the Commission:
- The EU e-Government Action plan 2016-2020 - Accelarating the digital transformaton of government
21. Civil Law Rules on Robotics
Rapporteur for the opinion: |
Dita Charanzová (ALDE) |
Responsible: |
JURI – |
Mady Delvaux (S&D) |
- Consideration of draft opinion
- Deadline for tabling amendments:6 September 2016, 12.00
22. European Semester for economic policy coordination: implementation of 2016 priorities
Rapporteur for the opinion: |
Catherine Stihler (S&D) |
Responsible: |
ECON* – |
Alfred Sant (S&D) |
- Consideration of draft opinion
23. The implementation of the European Fund for Strategic Investments
Rapporteur for the opinion: |
Nicola Danti (S&D) |
Responsible: |
- Consideration of draft opinion
- Deadline for tabling amendments:6 September 2016, 12.00
24. Presentation of the Study on Longer life-time products
25. Any other business
26. Next meetings
- 5 September 2016, 15.00 – 18.30 (Brussels)