Parliamentary question - O-0081/2007Parliamentary question

A European Roma strategy

pursuant to Rule 108 of the Rules of Procedure
by Jan Marinus Wiersma, Hannes Swoboda, Katalin Lévai, Adrian Severin and Jan Andersson, on behalf of the PSE Group
to the Commission

Document stages in plenary
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O-0081/2007 (B6-0389/2007)
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In April 2005, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the situation of Roma (P6_TA(2005)0151), calling on the European Commission to prepare a communication on how the EU could best coordinate and promote efforts to improve the situation of the Roma and to adopt an action plan with clear recommendations to the Member States. The resolution also suggested considering recognising the Roma as a transnational European minority.


A series of initiatives has been taken that touch on Roma issues, but the European Commission has so far not come forward with a comprehensive action plan. Does the European Commission intend to draft a Communication on Roma issues in the coming year, having in mind the above mentioned request of the European Parliament?


What is the amount of European funds available for Member States aiming at the integration of Roma communities? Has the Commission conducted any evaluation of the actual impact of European funding on Roma inclusion?


Is the European Commission considering the possibility of adapting its institutional structures in order to deal in a more effective way with Roma issues? Is the European Commission prepared to create a Roma Unit or establish a Roma Inter-service Group? If not, how will the European Commission ensure effective coordination of its efforts to support the social and economic integration of Roma communities with other policy initiatives? Would the European Commission consider conferring primary responsibility for Roma issues into a single European Commissioner’s portfolio?


Is the European Commission ready to enforce incentive measures for the social integration of Roma people, as Directive 2000/43/EC recommends[1]?


Is the European Commission considering the possibility of becoming more involved in the 'Decade of Roma Inclusion' initiative, possibly by appointing an EC Coordinator for Roma issues?



Tabled: 10.12.2007

Forwarded: 12.12.2007

Deadline for reply: 19.12.2007