The open internet and net neutrality in Europe
Question for oral answer O-000243/2011
to the Council
Rule 115
Herbert Reul
on behalf of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
The 2009 EU telecoms reform package aims both at promoting competition and at helping further develop the internal market. For the European Parliament the open internet and net neutrality are important priorities for the successful conclusion of the 2009 EU telecoms reform package.
The EU Member States should have complied by 25 May 2011 with the 2009 EU telecoms reform package.
What is the Council’s opinion on the impact of the 2009 EU telecoms reform package in ensuring an open internet and net neutrality in Europe?
Furthermore, how does the Council want to ensure a common approach to open internet and net neutrality across the EU?
Tabled: 12.10.2011
Forwarded: 13.10.2011
Deadline for reply: 3.11.2011