Situation in the Mediterranean and the need for a holistic EU approach to migration
Question for oral answer O-000078/2014
to the Council
Rule 128
Claude Moraes, on behalf of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
In October 2013 Parliament adopted a resolution on migratory flows in the Mediterranean. Shortly after this, the Council set up ‘Task Force Mediterranean’, which was followed by several Commission communications. In October 2014, the Justice and Home Affairs Council adopted conclusions on ‘taking action to better manage migratory flows’. Could the Council:
1. Explain how to establish solidarity and ensure the fair sharing of responsibility (in compliance with Article 80 TFEU) on the one hand as regards Mediterranean Member States – the initial destination of refugees and migrants – but also on the other hand as regards final-destination Member States which receive the highest numbers of refugees and asylum seekers;
2. Explain how to ensure that search-and-rescue obligations are effectively fulfilled, while tackling the criminal behaviour of smugglers and traffickers, provide information on the practices of smugglers and traffickers, in particular in relation to the causes of migrant deaths;
3. Indicate whether it considers it necessary to broaden the activities of Frontex and confirm how long Triton is expected to last and how it will be funded in the medium and long term;
4. Explain how it intends to develop safe and legal routes for asylum seekers and refugees into the EU;
5. Explain how it goes about strengthening the common resettlement policy and encourages higher and fairer participation by Member States;
6. Explain how it will improve the overall strategy on cooperation with third countries, in particular as regards regional protection, resettlement, returns and in order to address the root causes of migration, as well as indicate the form that the strategy will take in conflict zones, such as Libya and Syria;
7. Explain how it intends to develop a comprehensive approach to migration, including adequate legal migration channels, as announced by President Juncker in his opening statement at Parliament;
8. Provide a detailed analysis on how home affairs funds, including emergency funds, are spent in this context, in particular for actions in the field of migration and asylum, border control, fighting smuggling and trafficking, and return, as well as funds relating to EU foreign and development policy;
9. Explain how it will ensure the effective implementation of the Common European Asylum System and guarantee effective common standards for reception, procedures and qualification throughout the EU, protecting the most vulnerable and encouraging the social inclusion of refugees, and explain whether the Commission is willing to launch infringement procedures if needed and whether it would revise the legislation if monitoring showed that it is necessary?