Role of local and regional authorities in the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF)
Otázka k ústnímu zodpovězení s rozpravou O-000012/2016
článek 128 jednacího řádu
Iskra Mihaylova, za Výbor pro regionální rozvoj
Generally speaking, regional and local authorities in federal Member States have greater scope – on account of acquired powers – than those in non-federal Member States to shape national policies which have an impact on regional and local levels. As far as cohesion policy is concerned, the degree of consultation of regional and local authorities, from the stage of negotiations on regulations to the adoption of operational programmes, has increased over time. However, the extent to which regional and local authorities are consulted varies between Member States.
Regional and local authorities are close to citizens and better understand local needs as well as policies and initiatives aimed at improving citizens’ lives (in the areas of job creation, innovation, health, the environment, energy, transport, etc.). On the other hand, regional and local authorities – owing to their limited means – are in need of more substantial budgetary support and co-financing of projects than at national level.
Cities are engines of economic growth and employment, breeding grounds for art, culture and creativity, and the perfect platform for innovation and start-ups. Smart Cities and Smart Specialisation Strategies are two innovations that have been quickly taken on board by policymakers and translated into specific EU policies or initiatives. Moreover, the EU ministers’ agreement on the Riga 2015 declaration paved the way for an EU Urban Agenda, which is now expected to lead to the ‘Pact of Amsterdam’. The latter is a future-oriented programme in which the participation of European cities is a central element, and through which the Dutch Council presidency of 2016 aims to establish a bottom-up approach.
The role of regional and local authorities is also important in developing cross-border links and initiatives, which could be enhanced as part of European territorial cooperation.
In this context, the Commission is asked to answer the following:
1. What concrete support is it going to give regional and local authorities with a view to strengthening their role in, and impact on, the management of the European Structural and Investment Funds over the 2014-2020 period, with due regard for their respective responsibilities and the specificities of different Member States, with the aim of creating economic growth and sustainable jobs?
2. Is it going to launch a public consultation, followed by a possible Commission initiative, on the issue of how to strengthen the role of regional and local authorities?