Spread of African Swine Fever
Question for oral answer O-000124/2018
to the Commission
Rule 128
Czesław Adam Siekierski, on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
African Swine Fever (ASF) is an infectious, usually fatal, disease in pigs and wild boar. It poses a serious threat to pig farming with devastating indirect economic losses for the pig sector because third countries impose sudden and complete bans on pigs, pig meat and pig products imported from a country where ASF has been detected. 10 Member States are currently affected.
Wild boar harbour and spread the virus, which can spread to domestic pig holdings. What is more, humans have unintentionally spread the virus over long distances to new, uninfected regions. A global approach that involves all competent authorities, professional organisations, hunter associations and citizens is clearly required in order to prevent, control and eradicate ASF. It is important that the Member States disseminate accurate biosecurity information to farms so that farmers, who are on the front line, can take immediate steps to stop the disease from spreading.
In addition to the prevention and control measures that the Commission has already set out, which are to be applied where ASF is suspected or confirmed in holdings or in wild boar:
1. How will the Commission ensure that the activities of all competent authorities in the areas of animal health, wildlife, road transport and customs are tightly coordinated?
2. What steps, including providing financial assistance to affected farmers, does it plan to take to better control and eradicate the disease?
3. How is it tackling the disproportionate bans adopted by certain third countries on exports of pigs, pig meat and pig products from the affected Member States?