Monday, 20 November 2023 - Thursday, 23 November 2023 238k
Thursday, 23 November 2023171kVersion: Wednesday, 22 November 2023, 16:37
 Items on the agenda
09:00 - 11:50   Debates
12:00 - 14:00   VOTES
15:00 - 16:00   Debates
 Speaking time

09:00 - 11:50   Debates       Speaking time
111 pointInternational day for the elimination of violence against women
Commission statement
  pointJoint debate - Judicial cooperation
29Deadline***I-Digitalisation of cross-border judicial cooperation
Report:  Emil Radev, Marina Kaljurand (A9-0062/2023)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the digitalisation of judicial cooperation and access to justice in cross-border civil, commercial and criminal matters, and amending certain acts in the field of judicial cooperation

[COM(2021)0759 - C9-0451/2021 - 2021/0394(COD)]
Committee on Legal Affairs
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
35Deadline***I-Digitalisation of cross-border judicial cooperation (amendment of certain directives and framework decisions)
Report:  Emil Radev, Marina Kaljurand (A9-0063/2023)
Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 2003/8/EC, Council Framework Decisions 2002/465/JHA, 2002/584/JHA, 2003/577/JHA, 2005/214/JHA, 2006/783/JHA, 2008/909/JHA, 2008/947/JHA, 2009/829/JHA and 2009/948/JHA, and Directive 2014/41/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, as regards digitalisation of judicial cooperation

[COM(2021)0760 - C9-0450/2021 - 2021/0395(COD)]
Committee on Legal Affairs
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
12:00 - 14:00   VOTES      
26***IvoteStandards for equality bodies in the field of equal treatment and equal opportunities between women and men in matters of employment and occupation
Report:  Sirpa Pietikäinen, Marc Angel (A9-0354/2023)
Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on standards for equality bodies in the field of equal treatment and equal opportunities between women and men in matters of employment and occupation, and deleting Article 20 of Directive 2006/54/EC and Article 11 of Directive 2010/41/EU
[COM(2022)0688 - C9-0409/2022 - 2022/0400(COD)]
Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality

Committee's decision to enter into negotiations
100Deadline voteLatest attacks against women and women's rights defenders in Iran, and Iran's arbitrary detention of EU nationals
Motions for resolutions
RC-B9-0477/2023, B9-0477/2023, B9-0478/2023, B9-0479/2023, B9-0480/2023, B9-0481/2023, B9-0482/2023
101Deadline voteThe unlawful detention of President Mohamed Bazoum in Niger
Motions for resolutions
B9-0465/2023, RC-B9-0466/2023, B9-0466/2023, B9-0470/2023, B9-0471/2023, B9-0472/2023, B9-0473/2023
102Deadline voteThe killing of Tamaz Ginturi, a Georgian citizen, by Russia’s occupying forces in Georgia
Motions for resolutions
RC-B9-0468/2023, B9-0468/2023, B9-0469/2023, B9-0474/2023, B9-0475/2023, B9-0476/2023
29Deadline***IvoteDigitalisation of cross-border judicial cooperation
Report:  Emil Radev, Marina Kaljurand (A9-0062/2023)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the digitalisation of judicial cooperation and access to justice in cross-border civil, commercial and criminal matters, and amending certain acts in the field of judicial cooperation
[COM(2021)0759 - C9-0451/2021 - 2021/0394(COD)]
Committee on Legal Affairs
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
35Deadline***IvoteDigitalisation of cross-border judicial cooperation (amendment of certain directives and framework decisions)
Report:  Emil Radev, Marina Kaljurand (A9-0063/2023)
Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 2003/8/EC, Council Framework Decisions 2002/465/JHA, 2002/584/JHA, 2003/577/JHA, 2005/214/JHA, 2006/783/JHA, 2008/909/JHA, 2008/947/JHA, 2009/829/JHA and 2009/948/JHA, and Directive 2014/41/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, as regards digitalisation of judicial cooperation
[COM(2021)0760 - C9-0450/2021 - 2021/0395(COD)]
Committee on Legal Affairs
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
95 voteDeliberations of the Committee on Petitions in 2022
Report:  Alex Agius Saliba (A9-0333/2023)
Report on the outcome of the Committee on Petitions’ deliberations during 2022
Committee on Petitions
56 voteStrategic Compass and EU space-based defence capabilities
Report:  Arnaud Danjean (A9-0334/2023)
Report on Strategic compass and EU space-based defence capabilities
Committee on Foreign Affairs
59 voteImplementation of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement
Report:  Seán Kelly, Andreas Schieder (A9-0331/2023)
Report on the implementation of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Committee on International Trade
70Deadline voteInnovative humanitarian aid strategy: spotlight on current and forgotten crises
Report:  Carlos Zorrinho (A9-0321/2023)
Report on how to build an innovative humanitarian aid strategy: spotlight on current and forgotten crises
Committee on Development
28Deadline voteJob creation – the just transition and impact investments
Report:  Sara Matthieu (A9-0342/2023)
Report on job creation – the just transition and impact investments
Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
41Deadline voteHarnessing talent in Europe’s regions
Report:  Cristina Maestre Martín De Almagro (A9-0325/2023)
Report on harnessing talent in Europe’s regions
Committee on Regional Development
109Deadline voteThe lack of legislative follow-up by the Commission to the PEGA resolution
Motions for resolutions
B9-0464/2023, B9-0467/2023
21Deadline voteMotions for resolutions - Revised pollinators initiative - a new deal for pollinators
91 voteEuropean Union regulatory fitness and subsidiarity and proportionality – report on Better Law Making covering 2020, 2021 and 2022
Report:  Catharina Rinzema (A9-0310/2023)
Report on European Union regulatory fitness and subsidiarity and proportionality – report on Better Law-Making covering 2020, 2021 and 2022
Committee on Legal Affairs
92Deadline voteMonitoring the application of EU law in 2020, 2021 and 2022
Report:  Catharina Rinzema (A9-0328/2023)
Report on monitoring the application of European Union Law in 2020, 2021 and 2022
Committee on Legal Affairs
15:00 - 16:00   Debates       Speaking time
58Deadline pointYoung researchers
Oral question - [2023/2884(RSP)]
The vote will be held in December
Cristian-Silviu Buşoi (O-000052/2023 - B9-0034/23)
Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
Young researchers
15 pointExplanations of votes
09:00 - 11:50   Debates     item on the agenda
Commission (including replies)15'
Rapporteurs   (2x6') 12'
"Catch the eye"   (2x5') 10'
PPE24'30S&D20'Renew15'Verts/ALE11'ECR10'30ID9'30The Left6'30NI8'
15:00 - 16:00   Debates     item on the agenda
Commission (including replies)5'
Author (committee)5'
"Catch the eye"5'
PPE3'30S&D3'Renew2'30Verts/ALE2'30ECR2'30ID2'30The Left2'30NI2'30
29item on the agendapointDigitalisation of cross-border judicial cooperation
Emil Radev, Marina Kaljurand (A9-0062/2023
  -Amendments; rejectionWednesday, 15 November 2023, 13:00
35item on the agendapointDigitalisation of cross-border judicial cooperation (amendment of certain directives and framework decisions)
Emil Radev, Marina Kaljurand (A9-0063/2023
  -Amendments; rejectionWednesday, 15 November 2023, 13:00
100item on the agendapointLatest attacks against women and women's rights defenders in Iran, and Iran's arbitrary detention of EU nationals
  -Motions for resolutions (Rule 144)Monday, 20 November 2023, 20:00
  -Amendments to motions for resolutions; joint motions for resolutions (Rule 144)Wednesday, 22 November 2023, 13:00
  -Amendments to joint motions for resolutions (Rule 144)Wednesday, 22 November 2023, 14:00
101item on the agendapointThe unlawful detention of President Mohamed Bazoum in Niger
  -Motions for resolutions (Rule 144)Monday, 20 November 2023, 20:00
  -Amendments to motions for resolutions; joint motions for resolutions (Rule 144)Wednesday, 22 November 2023, 13:00
  -Amendments to joint motions for resolutions (Rule 144)Wednesday, 22 November 2023, 14:00
102item on the agendapointThe killing of Tamaz Ginturi, a Georgian citizen, by Russia’s occupying forces in Georgia
  -Motions for resolutions (Rule 144)Monday, 20 November 2023, 20:00
  -Amendments to motions for resolutions; joint motions for resolutions (Rule 144)Wednesday, 22 November 2023, 13:00
  -Amendments to joint motions for resolutions (Rule 144)Wednesday, 22 November 2023, 14:00
70item on the agendapointInnovative humanitarian aid strategy: spotlight on current and forgotten crises
Carlos Zorrinho (A9-0321/2023
  -Amendments by the rapporteur, 71 MEPs at least; Alternative motions for resolutionsWednesday, 15 November 2023, 13:00
28item on the agendapointJob creation – the just transition and impact investments
Sara Matthieu (A9-0342/2023
  -Amendments by the rapporteur, 71 MEPs at least; Alternative motions for resolutionsWednesday, 15 November 2023, 13:00
41item on the agendapointHarnessing talent in Europe’s regions
Cristina Maestre Martín De Almagro (A9-0325/2023
  -Amendments by the rapporteur, 71 MEPs at least; Alternative motions for resolutionsWednesday, 15 November 2023, 13:00
109item on the agendapointThe lack of legislative follow-up by the Commission to the PEGA resolution
  -Motion for a resolutionMonday, 20 November 2023, 19:00
  -Amendments to motions for resolutions; joint motions for resolutionsWednesday, 22 November 2023, 13:00
  -Amendments to joint motions for resolutionsWednesday, 22 November 2023, 14:00
  -Requests for "separate", "split" and "roll-call" votesWednesday, 22 November 2023, 19:00
21item on the agendapointRevised pollinators initiative - a new deal for pollinators
(O-000050/2023 - B9-0032/23) (O-000051/2023 - B9-0033/23) 
  -Motion for a resolutionMonday, 20 November 2023, 19:00
  -Amendments to motions for resolutions; joint motions for resolutionsWednesday, 22 November 2023, 13:00
  -Amendments to joint motions for resolutionsWednesday, 22 November 2023, 14:00
  -Requests for "separate", "split" and "roll-call" votesWednesday, 22 November 2023, 19:00
92item on the agendapointMonitoring the application of EU law in 2020, 2021 and 2022
Catharina Rinzema (A9-0328/2023
  -AmendmentsMonday, 20 November 2023, 19:00
58item on the agendapointYoung researchers
(O-000052/2023 - B9-0034/23) 
  -Motion for a resolutionWednesday, 6 December 2023, 13:00
  -Amendments to motions for resolutions; joint motions for resolutionsMonday, 11 December 2023, 19:00
  -Amendments to joint motions for resolutionsMonday, 11 December 2023, 20:00
Separate votes - Split votes - Roll-call votes
Texts put to the vote on TuesdayFriday, 17 November 2023, 12:00
Texts put to the vote on WednesdayMonday, 20 November 2023, 19:00
Texts put to the vote on ThursdayTuesday, 21 November 2023, 19:00
Motions for resolutions concerning debates on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (Rule 144)Wednesday, 22 November 2023, 19:00
Last updated: 22 November 2023Legal notice - Privacy policy