Parliamentary question - P-002696/2024Parliamentary question

Introduction of tariffs on fertilisers from Russia and Belarus to protect EU producers from unfair competition and workers from losing their jobs


Priority question for written answer  P-002696/2024
to the Commission
Rule 144
Arkadiusz Mularczyk (ECR)

The EU, including Poland, is being flooded with cheap imported fertilisers from Russia and Belarus, produced using cheap gas from Russia, with which Polish and other EU fertiliser producers are unable to compete. The halting of fertiliser production has resulted in a lack of demand for sulphur from sulphur mining companies. As a result, Polish businesses, including companies from Grupa Azoty SA, are being forced to reduce their workforce through collective redundancies.

It is therefore unacceptable that Russia, which is an aggressor country carrying out an armed attack on Ukrainian territory, and Belarus, which supports it, are benefiting at the expense of businesses from EU countries, including Poland.

In the light of the foregoing:

Submitted: 28.11.2024

Last updated: 29 November 2024
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