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Parliamentary question - P-012544/2013(ASW)Parliamentary question

Answer given by Mr Borg on behalf of the Commission

1. The departments of the Commission in charge of animal welfare issues and agricultural policy have not had any contact or collaboration with FederFauna and are not aware of any of its activities.

2. The Commission thanks the Honourable Member for alerting it to the activities of FederFauna, and for the reference to the Transparency Register (TR). Following this alert, the Commission will perform a quality check of the TR registration of this organisation, covering its activities with relation to EU legislative activity (i.e. falling under the scope of the register).

The aim of quality checks is to limit, as far as possible, the existence of flagrant errors, mistakes, inconsistencies or other abuses found in the Transparency Register content.

It is recalled that the information provided is, and should remain, the responsibility of the registrant, who remains liable for any violation of the code of conduct. Therefore the quality checks do not have the effect of formally clearing the declaration or constituting a validation process.

OJ C 228, 17/07/2014