Parliamentary question - P-012544/2013Parliamentary question

2013 ‘Hitler Award’ for the protection of animals

Question for written answer P-012544-13
to the Commission
Rule 117
Tiziano Motti (PPE)

FederFauna[1], the Italian confederation of animal breeders’, traders’ and owners’ associations, has released a statement[2] announcing that the winner of its 2013 Hitler Award for outstanding contribution to the animal rights movement will be chosen by ‘victims of violence by animal rights activists’. The ‘award’ will be presented on 25 November 2013 in Bologna. According to the statement, the prize consists of a plaque displaying a picture of the Führer lovingly caressing two deer in front of Auschwitz concentration camp, under the heading ‘Animal Rights’ which has been corrected to read ‘Animal Reich’. However tongue in cheek it may be, the statement is clearly intended to show animal rights activism in a particular light. While, in reality, animal rights activists seek to secure greater legal protection for and humane treatment of animals, FederFauna’s statement equates such activism with ‘violence’ against human beings, depicting it as a breach of basic human rights, with nominations for the award being made by ‘victims of violence by animal rights activists’. Hitler, whose crimes against humanity are symbolised by the image of Auschwitz concentration camp, is the ultimate expression of this twisted logic.

FederFauna is listed in the Transparency Register as a group lobbying Parliament and the Commission (identification number 99979016898-26[3]).

Article 3(h) of FederFauna’s statute states: ‘[our guiding principles are] Europeanism, as a key means in today’s world of fostering harmonious coexistence and peaceful cooperation among nations’.

Is the Commission aware of FederFauna’s activities, which are quite clearly in conflict with its own guiding principles? Is the above award compatible with FederFauna’s inclusion in the Transparency Register?

OJ C 228, 17/07/2014