Parliamentary question - P-006692/2016Parliamentary question

North Korean workers in the EU

Question for written answer P-006692-16
to the Commission
Rule 130
Kati Piri (S&D) , Agnes Jongerius (S&D)

Recent research[1] conducted by Leiden University on North Korean forced labour in Europe, taking Poland as a test case, proves that EU legislation is being systematically violated in Poland. The research reveals that several hundred North Koreans are working under conditions that breach EC law. Furthermore, EC law based on United Nations sanctions against North Korea is also being breached, since workers' earnings are being directly transferred to North Korea. Finally, the exploited North Koreans may be moving from one EU country to another.

In light of the overwhelming evidence:

Since the research only takes Poland as a test case and cannot rule out that this exploitation is not also occurring in other Member States: