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Parliamentary question - P-003665/2018(ASW)Parliamentary question

Answer given by Mr Avramopoulos on behalf of the European Commission

The Libyan Port and Maritime Transport Authority has notified the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) on 14 December 2017 with the Libyan Search and Rescue (SAR) region (SRR) in accordance with the provisions of the SAR Hamburg Convention. The declaration of the SRR[1] represents a constitutive, legitimate act since Libya is contracting party of the Hamburg Convention 1979 on SAR.

Via the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa[2] the Commission has financed a project in support of Libya which, among others, includes an action aimed at establishing a fully-fledged Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC). In accordance with international legislation the MRCC will exercise primary responsibility for ensuring the coordination of a rescue situation, including initiating the process for identifying the most appropriate place of safety for disembarkation following a search and rescue situation, in cooperation with the coastal States. The project, which is in the implementation phase, is also addressing the main needs in terms of equipment and training.

As stated above, the declaration of SRR is a unilateral constitutive act. As far as the Commission knows, there has been no opposition from neighbouring countries in terms of delimitation. In accordance with the international legislation the Libyan authority has initiated the process to establish SAR bilateral agreements[3] and draft proposals have been transmitted to Italy, Tunisia and Egypt.

Last updated: 4 September 2018
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