Parliamentary question - P-000918/2020Parliamentary question

Labelling of products from Israeli settlements

Priority question for written answer P-000918/2020
to the Commission
Rule 138
Billy Kelleher (Renew)

The Court of Justice has confirmed [1] that, to ensure that consumers in the EU are accurately informed about the origins of the products they are buying, a precise distinction must be made between products which come from the State of Israel in its internationally recognised borders ('made in Israel’), and those which come from the settlements in the territories that international law defines as occupied since June 1967.

A recent study [2] by the European Middle East Project (EuMEP) found that consumers are not being correctly informed. The study examined wines produced in Israeli settlements in the Syrian Golan Heights and the West Bank, and found that only 10 % of these wines on sale in the EU had correct or partially correct origin labelling in line with EU rules.

Last updated: 25 September 2020
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