Parliamentary question - P-002273/2020Parliamentary question

Disruption of medical supply chains in the EU due to COVID-19 and unilateral national measures

Priority question for written answer P-002273/2020
to the Commission
Rule 138
Christophe Hansen (PPE)

Currently, up to 90 % of all active ingredients used in medicines are produced in India and China. The increasing concentration in the market and quality problems in production have led to price increases and global supply constraints. The COVID-19 crisis shows how vulnerable the EU has become due to its dependence on pharmaceuticals from third countries, which undermines national health systems and put patients at risk. The current crisis is further exacerbated as some Member States restrict the intra-community movement of pharmaceuticals by imposing export bans. This often affects medicines which are neither used in treating coronavirus nor at risk of shortages in the exporting Member State. These actions may cause unnecessary shortages in the supply of medicines urgently needed by EU patients to the recipient country.

Last updated: 25 September 2020
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