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Parliamentary question - P-002508/2020Parliamentary question

COVID-19: deployment of the Slovenian Army on its southern border

Priority question for written answer  P-002508/2020
to the Commission
Rule 138
Valter Flego (Renew)

Some mayors of Slovenian border municipalities have sent a letter to the Slovenian Ministry of Defence, urging the Slovenian Government to activate Article 37(a) of the Slovenian Defence Law and requesting the deployment of the army to Slovenia’s southern border to prevent illegal migration and the possible spread of COVID-19. The Slovenian Government has announced that it will push ahead with its decision to deploy the army at the border in order to protect the interests of Slovenian citizens. Deploying the army at the border will not solve the problem of the COVID-19 epidemic, nor will it reduce the number of cases of illegal migration, but it could significantly disrupt good neighbourly relations between countries, undermine the rule of law and destroy the Schengen idea of ​​abolishing borders and creating a single European space. In the light of the above:

Last updated: 10 November 2020
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