Parliamentary question - P-004922/2020(ASW)Parliamentary question

Answer given by High Representative/Vice-President Borrell on behalf of the European Commission

In July 2013, the Council designated the military wing of Hezbollah under the EU sanctions regime to combat terrorism[1]. The European Union (EU) position has not changed since then. Designations under this regime require a decision by the Council acting unanimously[2].

The EU remains convinced that engaging in a constructive dialogue with all political parties present in the country, and supporting Lebanon in strengthening its institutions, including State security agencies and the Lebanese Armed Forces as sole security actors, remain key to the stability of Lebanon and the Middle East.

The EU also insists on the full respect and implementation of the United Nations Security Council resolutions 1559[3] and 1701[4], including the call for disarmament of all armed groups.

Last updated: 15 October 2020
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