Parliamentary question - P-003179/2021(ASW)Parliamentary question

Answer given by Ms Johansson on behalf of the European Commission

Through the dedicated Task Force[1], the Commission is working intensively with the Greek authorities for the establishment of new Multi-Purpose Reception and Identification Centres in Lesvos and Chios. The process of the construction of the new facilities is closely monitored, including through monthly Steering Committee meetings. The tendering procedure for the new centres of Lesvos and Chios is ongoing.

The Commission has granted EUR 155 million to set up new centres on the islands of Lesvos and Chios. These centres will be open centres in line with EC law, subject to necessary and proportionate access arrangements. They will be composed of different sections, including reception and identification structures for new arrivals, accommodation facilities, safe zones for unaccompanied children and teenagers, recreational areas, and pre-removal centres. The pre-removal centres, for people who are subject to a return order, will be closed. For the other sections, residents will be able to enter and exit through an entry and exit system with the use of access cards.

Through the joint efforts of the Greek authorities, the Commission and EU agencies, significant progress has been achieved in improving the conditions in the temporary Mavrovouni facility, notably as regards water, sewage, electricity, gravelling, winterisation and maintenance. However, Mavrovouni remains a temporary accommodation solution. The Greek authorities have provided the necessary assurances to the Commission that nobody will spend another winter in tents in Mavrovouni.

Last updated: 26 July 2021
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