Vaccination of children
Priority question for written answer P-002605/2022
to the Commission
Rule 138
Francesca Donato (NI)
Søren Brostrøm, Director-General of the Danish Health Authority, recently publicly apologised for the COVID-19 child vaccination campaign. Experts maintain that it was wrong to exert pressure on parents to have their children vaccinated by saying that as it was not possible to restrict the spread of the epidemic, children were responsible for the health of their parents and grandparents. Furthermore, according to an ISS study published in The Lancet, the COVID death rate for children was barely 0.0002 %.
Doctor Vanden Bossche has highlighted how vaccine antibodies interfere with children’s innate immunity, rendering them less able to cope with viral attacks in general and creating a general predisposition to irreversible autoimmune illnesses.
This being so, how will the Commission justify continuing to vaccinate very young children and, more specifically, will it supply the detailed documents setting out the scientific reasoning and studies on the basis of which the EMA considered that vaccinating children against COVID was necessary and efficacious in protecting them from the risk of dying, and did not constitute a risk to their health?