Parliamentary question - P-001219/2023Parliamentary question

Austria extending controls at the internal border with Slovenia

Priority question for written answer  P-001219/2023
to the Commission
Rule 138
Matjaž Nemec (S&D)

The Schengen area is facing the biggest test in its history. If the Commission fails to act, its very existence is under real threat. Is the Commission prepared to take responsibility for this?

Ever since 2015, Austria has continually extended controls at the Slovenian-Austrian border. In April 2022, the EU Court of Justice made clear that border controls can only be carried out on the basis of a serious threat to public order or internal security in a Member State and for a maximum period of six months. This was confirmed by a court in Austria in June 2022, which ruled that Austria’s border control at the Slovenian-Austrian border had been illegal since 2017.

Now Austria has given notification that controls at the Slovenian-Austrian border will be extended for six months. We are heading into the summer tourist season, which is one of the fundamental indicators of what the benefits of Schengen are or should be. The Commission should do all it can to ensure compliance with European rules, not merely reiterate over and again the message that the Schengen rules must be respected.

We expect more than what we have heard so far. We expect the Commission to carry out its function to protect EU law and the basic treaties.

In view of the above, I would like to ask:

Submitted: 14.4.2023

Last updated: 19 April 2023
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