Parliamentary question - P-002264/2023Parliamentary question

NUTS 2 values used for the greenhouse gas values of crop-based biofuels

Priority question for written answer  P-002264/2023
to the Commission
Rule 138
Anne Sander (PPE)

The NUTS[1] 2 values used for the greenhouse gas values of crop-based biofuels, which were previously available on the Commission website, have been removed without any warning or communication from the Commission to the Member States, voluntary schemes or economic operators. This has generated substantial uncertainty in the market and triggered numerous requests to the Commission for clarification, which have gone unanswered. In the absence of such a clarification, there is a risk of economic operators putting sales of biofuels using crops harvested in the EU on hold because the related contracts often use those default values. The impact of this could be felt particularly keenly owing to the beginning of the harvest period for certain crops.


Last updated: 26 July 2023
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