Parliamentary question - P-000418/2024Parliamentary question

Evalution of the current political and media landscape in Germany in the context of the Action Plan against Disinformation

Priority question for written answer  P-000418/2024
to the Commission
Rule 138
Christine Anderson (ID)

I am concerned about the polarised political situation in Germany, where state actors and state-funded media, including Correctiv[1], are being selective in the news they report. The varying accounts of a meeting in Potsdam[2] and the possible involvement of the German domestic intelligence service[3] raise concerns. The AfD federal executive distanced itself from the allegations[4], but this went unreported. State-supported demonstrations against the AfD point to possible disinformation dissemination, which is contrary to EU objectives and would possibly be viewed differently if happening in another Member State, such as Hungary.


Last updated: 13 February 2024
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