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MinutesVotesRoll-call votesTexts adoptedVerbatim reports
Wednesday, 31 March 2004 - Strasbourg
 1.Opening of sitting
 2.Documents received
 3.Action taken on Parliament's positions and resolutions
 4.European Council/ Security (statements followed by debate)
 5.Official welcome
 6.Voting time
6.1.Financial services committees ***I (vote)
6.2.Sudan (Rule 104a) (vote)
6.3.Internal combustion engines in agricultural and forestry tractors *** (Rule 110a) (vote)
6.4.Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement with Central America * (Rule 110a) (vote)
6.5.Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement with the Andean Community * (Rule 110a) (vote)
6.6.Guarantee Fund for external actions * (Rule 110a) (vote)
6.7.New Neighbourhood policy * (Rule 110a) (vote)
6.8.Macro-financial assistance to Albania * (Rule 110a) (vote)
6.9.Governance in the European Union's development policy (Rule 110a) (vote)
6.10.Environmental liability ***III (vote)
6.11.Feed hygiene ***I (vote)
6.12.Materials and articles intended to come into contact with food ***I (vote)
6.13.Development cooperation with South Africa ***I (vote)
6.14.Fluorinated greenhouse gases ***I (vote)
6.15.Application of the Århus Convention to EC institutions and bodies ***I (vote)
6.16.Access to justice in environmental matters ***I (vote)
6.17.Management of waste from the extractive industries ***I (vote)
6.18.Conclusion of the Arhus Convention * (vote)
6.19.European satellite radionavigation programme * (vote)
6.20.European Evidence Warrant * (vote)
6.21.Organisation of joint flights for removals of illegal immigrants * (vote)
6.22.European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training * (vote)
6.23.Passenger name records (vote)
6.24.Environment and health strategy (vote)
 7.Corrections to votes
 8.Explanations of vote
 9.Statement by the President
 10.Approval of Minutes of previous sitting
 11.Application by Croatia for accession to the EU (debate)
 12.Fundamental rights in the European Union (2003) (debate)
 13.World Bank Extractive Industries Review (statements followed by debate)
 14.International organ trafficking (statements followed by debate)
 15.Communication of common positions of the Council
 17.EC-Denmark/Greenland fisheries agreement * (debate)
 18.Obligation of carriers to communicate passenger data * (debate)
 19.SIS - registration certificates for vehicles ***I (debate)
 20.More accessible, equitable and managed asylum systems (debate)
 21.Budgetisation of the EDF (debate)
 22.Safety of third countries aircraft using Community airports***III (debate)
 23.Slot allocation at Community airports ***II (debate)
 24.Agenda for next sitting
 25.Closure of sitting
Minutes (180 kb) Attendance register (57 kb)    Results of roll-call votes (1297 kb) 
Minutes (42 kb) Attendance register (11 kb) Results of votes (39 kb) Results of roll-call votes (323 kb) 
Minutes (214 kb) Attendance register (62 kb) Results of votes (194 kb) Results of roll-call votes (293 kb) 
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