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Thursday, 13 January 2005 - Strasbourg
1.Opening of sitting
 2.Results of Ukraine elections (debate)
 3.Communication of Council common positions
 4.Dismissal of Commission language teachers (debate)
 5.Membership of committees
 6.Voting time
6.1.United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (vote)
6.2. EU aid for tsunami victims in the Indian Ocean (vote)
6.3. Transatlantic relations (vote)
6.4. Debt relief for developing countries (vote)
6.5. Results of Ukraine elections (vote)
 7.Explanations of vote
 8.Corrections to votes
 9.Approval of Minutes of previous sitting
 10.Debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
10.1.Tenzin Delek Rinpoche - Tibet (debate)
10.2.Torture in Iran (debate)
10.3.Trafficking of women and children in Cambodia (debate)
 11.Membership of Parliament
 12.Voting time
12.1.Tenzin Delek Rinpoche - Tibet (vote)
12.2.Torture in Iran (vote)
12.3. Trafficking of women and children in Cambodia (vote)
 13.Decisions concerning certain documents
 14.Transfers of appropriations
 15.Written declarations entered in the register (Rule 116)
 16.Forwarding of texts adopted during the sitting
 17.Dates for next sittings
 18.Adjournment of session


1. Opening of sitting

The sitting opened at 10.05.

The President announced that, in the light of remarks from Gerard Batten and others on an incident that had happened the previous day (Minutes of 12.01.2005, Item 5 and Minutes of 12.01.2005, Item 7), the President of Parliament had decided to launch an investigation into the incident.

The investigation would be carried out by the Quaestors: all those involved would be heard, and the Quaestors would then report to the President.

2. Results of Ukraine elections (debate)

Commission statement: Results of Ukraine elections

Janez Potočnik (Member of the Commission) made the statement.

The following spoke: Jacek Emil Saryusz-Wolski, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Jan Marinus Wiersma, on behalf of the PSE Group, Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Jiří Maštálka, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Maciej Marian Giertych, on behalf of the IND/DEM Group, Michał Tomasz Kamiński, on behalf of the UEN Group, Irena Belohorská, Non-attached Member, Elmar Brok, Marek Maciej Siwiec, Grażyna Staniszewska, Milan Horáček, Bastiaan Belder, Guntars Krasts, Ryszard Czarnecki, Tunne Kelam, Barbara Weiler and Marielle De Sarnez.


The following spoke: Charles Tannock, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Bogdan Klich, Glyn Ford and Janez Potočnik.

Motions for resolutions to wind up the debate tabled pursuant to Rule 103(2):

- Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Grażyna Staniszewska, Bronisław Geremek and Cecilia Malmström, on behalf of the ALDE Group, on the results of the re-run of the presidential election in Ukraine (B6-0038/2005);

- Jacek Emil Saryusz-Wolski and José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, on Ukraine (B6-0039/2005);

- Jan Marinus Wiersma and Marek Maciej Siwiec, on behalf of the PSE Group, on Ukraine (B6-0041/2005);

- Anna Elzbieta Fotyga, Guntars Krasts, Konrad Szymański and Inese Vaidere, on behalf of the UEN Group, on the result of the presidential election in Ukraine (B6-0048/2005);

- Milan Horáček, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Rebecca Harms, Elisabeth Schroedter and Hélène Flautre, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, on the situation in Ukraine (B6-0049/2005);

- Jiří Maštálka and Helmuth Markov, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, on Ukraine (B6-0061/2005).

The debate closed.

Vote: Minutes of 13.01.2005, Item 6.5

3. Communication of Council common positions

The President announced, pursuant to Rule 57(1), that the following common positions had been received from the Council, together with the reasons which had led to their adoption, and the Commission's position on:

- Common position adopted by the Council on 20 December 2004 with a view to the adoption of a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the management of bathing water quality and repealing Directive 76/160/EEC (12884/1/2004 - C6-0006/2005 - 2002/0254(COD))

   referred to responsible:   ENVI

- Common position adopted by the Council on 22 December 2004 with a view to the adoption of a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 on the gradual abolition of checks at common borders, as regards access to the Schengen Information System by the services in the Member States responsible for issuing registration certificates for vehicles (14238/1/2004 - C6-0007/2005 - 2003/0198(COD))

   referred to responsible:   LIBE

- Common position adopted by the Council on 21 December 2004 with a view to the adoption of a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications (13781/2/2004 - C6-0008/2005 - 2002/0061(COD))

   referred to responsible:   IMCO

The three-month period available to Parliament to adopt its position would therefore begin the following day, 14.01.2005.

4. Dismissal of Commission language teachers (debate)

Oral question by Stephen Hughes, on behalf of the EMPL Committee, to the Commission: Dismissal of Commission language teachers (B6-0137/2004)

Stephen Hughes moved the oral question.

Janez Potočnik (Member of the Commission) answered the oral question.

The following spoke: Thomas Mann, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Karin Jöns, on behalf of the PSE Group, Anne Elisabet Jensen, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Jean-Luc Bennahmias, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Ilda Figueiredo, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Jan Tadeusz Masiel, Non-attached Member, Astrid Lulling, Alejandro Cercas, Georgios Toussas, Ljudmila Novak, Herbert Bösch, Vasco Graça Moura, Ottaviano Del Turco, Anna Záborská, Antonio De Poli and Janez Potočnik.

The debate closed.

5. Membership of committees

At the request of the PPE-DE Group, Parliament ratified the following appointments:

AFET Committee

- Jacek Emil Saryusz-Wolski to replace Ville Itälä

BUDG Committee

- Ville Itälä to replace Jacek Emil Saryusz-Wolski


Glyn Ford spoke out against remarks made by Jean-Marie Le Pen in the publication Rivarol and asked the President to disavow them on behalf of Parliament (the President noted Mr Ford's remarks).

6. Voting time

Details of voting (amendments, separate and split votes, etc.) appear in Annex 1 to the Minutes.

6.1. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (vote)

Motion for a resolution B6-0032/2005

(Simple majority)

(Voting record: Annex 1, Item 1)


Adopted (P6_TA(2005)0005)

The following spoke on the vote:

- Avril Doyle moved an oral amendment to amendment 2, which was incorporated.

- Cristiana Muscardini announced that the UEN Group had withdrawn its signature from the joint resolution.

6.2.  EU aid for tsunami victims in the Indian Ocean (vote)

Motions for resolution B6-0034/2055, B6-0059/2005, B6-0060/2005, B6-0062/2005, B6-0063/2005 and B6-0064/2005

(Voting record: Annex 1, Item 2)


(replacing B6-0034/2005, B6-0059/2005, B6-0060/2005, B6-0062/2005, B6-0063/2005 and B6-0064/2005):

tabled by the following Members:

Nirj Deva, John Bowis, Michael Gahler, Jas Gawronski, Mario Mantovani, Maria Martens, Manolis Mavrommatis, Gay Mitchell, Hartmut Nassauer, Geoffrey Van Orden, José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Antonio Tajani and Anders Wijkman, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group,

Martin Schulz, Jan Marinus Wiersma, Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez, Margrietus van den Berg, Neena Gill, Glenys Kinnock and María Elena Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, on behalf of the PSE Group,

Emma Bonino, on behalf of the ALDE Group,

Daniel Marc Cohn-Bendit and Monica Frassoni, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group,

Luisa Morgantini, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group,

Brian Crowley, Cristiana Muscardini, Sebastiano (Nello) Musumeci, Eoin Ryan, Roberta Angelilli, Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis, Adriana Poli Bortone, Michał Tomasz Kamiński, Rolandas Pavilionis and Umberto Pirilli, on behalf of the UEN Group

Adopted (P6_TA(2005)0006)

The following spoke on the vote:

- Janusz Lewandowski suggested a technical adjustment to paragraph 16 to reflect the progress made,

- Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez moved an oral amendment to amendment 17,

- Following the adoption of paragraph 5, Antonio Tajani suggested that a bank account be opened for Members' donations in aid of the tsunami victims.

6.3.  Transatlantic relations (vote)

Motions for resolution B6-0021/2005, B6-0025/2005, B6-0026/2005, B6-0028/2005, B6-0029/2005 and B6-0033/2005

(Simple majority)

(Voting record: Annex 1, Item 3)


(replacing B6-0021/2005, B6-0025/2005, B6-0026/2005 and B6-0028/2005):

tabled by the following Members:

Elmar Brok, Antonio Tajani and James Elles, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group,

Jan Marinus Wiersma, on behalf of the PSE Group,

Cecilia Malmström, on behalf of the ALDE Group,

Anna Elzbieta Fotyga and Konrad Szymański, on behalf of the UEN Group

Adopted (P6_TA(2005)0007)

(Motions for resolutions B6-0029/2005 and B6-0033/2005 fell.)

6.4.  Debt relief for developing countries (vote)

Motions for resolution B6-0022/2005, B6-0023/2005, B6-0024/2005, B6-0027/2005, B6-0030/2005 and B6-0031/2005

(Simple majority)

(Voting record: Annex 1, Item 4)


(replacing B6-0022/2005, B6-0023/2005, B6-0027/2005 and B6-0031/2005 ):

tabled by the following Members:

Maria Martens, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group,

Robert Goebbels and Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez, on behalf of the PSE Group,

Fiona Hall, on behalf of the ALDE Group

(The UEN Group had also signed the joint motion for a resolution.)

Adopted (P6_TA(2005)0008)

(Motions for resolutions B6-0024/2005 and B6-0030/2005 fell.)

6.5.  Results of Ukraine elections (vote)

Motions for resolution B6-0038/2005, B6-0039/2005, B6-0041/2005, B6-0048/2005, B6-0049/2005 and B6-0061/2005

(Simple majority)

(Voting record: Annex 1, Item 5)


(replacing B6-0038/2005, B6-0039/2005, B6-0041/2005, B6-0048/2005, B6-0049/2005 and B6-0061/2005):

tabled by the following Members:

José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Charles Tannock, Bogdan Klich and Tunne Kelam, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group,

Jan Marinus Wiersma, on behalf of the PSE Group,

Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck, on behalf of the ALDE Group,

Rebecca Harms, Milan Horáček and Marie Anne Isler Béguin, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group,

Helmuth Markov and Jiří Maštálka, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group,

Michał Tomasz Kamiński, Anna Elzbieta Fotyga, Guntars Krasts, Konrad Szymański and Inese Vaidere, on behalf of the UEN Group

Adopted (P6_TA(2005)0009)

7. Explanations of vote

Written explanations of vote:

Explanations of vote submitted in writing under Rule 163(3) appear in the verbatim report of proceedings for the sitting.

Oral explanations of vote:

EU aid for tsunami victims in the Indian Ocean - RC-B6-0034/2005

Gilles Savary

8. Corrections to votes

Corrections to votes were submitted by the following Members:

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - B6-0032/2005

- amendment 2

   for: Edite Estrela, Eija-Riitta Korhola

- resolution (as a whole)

   for: Paul Rübig

EU aid for tsunami victims in the Indian Ocean - RC-B6-0034/2005

- resolution (as a whole)

   for: Mathieu Grosch, José Ribeiro e Castro, Richard Corbett,

Transatlantic relations - RC-B6-0021/2005

- resolution (as a whole)

   abstention: Maria Matsouka

Debt relief for developing countries - RC-B6-0023/2005

- amendment 5

   abstention: Kader Arif

Members present but not voting:

Maria da Assunção Esteves had been present but had not taken part in the first few votes.

(The sitting was suspended at 12.45 and resumed at 15.00.)


9. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting

Corrections to votes

Report: Corbett/Méndez de Vigo - A6-0070/2004

- amendment 11

   abstention: Marie-Line Reynaud

- paragraph 3, point (b)

   against: Nina Škottová

- amendment 8

   against: Dan Jørgensen

- amendment 4

   for: Marie-Line Reynaud

- resolution (as a whole)

   for: Eija-Riitta Korhola

   against: Nina Škottová

The Minutes of the previous sitting were approved.

° ° °

The President informed the House that the ambassadors of the ASEAN countries, who had been present during the previous day's debate, had expressed their gratitude for the aid Parliament had provided to the regions affected by the tsunami in the Indian Ocean.

10. Debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law

(For the titles and authors of the motions for resolutions, see Minutes of 11.01.2005, Item 4)

Bernd Posselt welcomed two human rights campaigners, one Russian and one Chechen.

10.1. Tenzin Delek Rinpoche - Tibet (debate)

Motions for resolution B6-0037/2005, B6-0043/2005, B6-0047/2005, B6-0050/2005, B6-0051/2005 and B6-0056/2005

Thomas Mann, Catherine Stihler, Raül Romeva i Rueda, Erik Meijer and Marcin Libicki introduced motions for resolutions.

The following spoke: Bernd Posselt, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Evelyne Gebhardt, on behalf of the PSE Group, Evelin Lichtenberger, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, and Janez Potočnik (Member of the Commission).

The debate closed.

Vote: Minutes of 13.01.2005, Item 12.1

10.2. Torture in Iran (debate)

Motions for resolution B6-0036/2005, B6-0040/2005, B6-0044/2005, B6-0052/2005, B6-0054/2005, B6-0057/2005 and B6-0058/2005

Michael Gahler, Christa Prets, Alexander Nuno Alvaro, Angelika Beer and Helmuth Markov introduced motions for resolutions.

The following spoke: Struan Stevenson, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Paulo Casaca, on behalf of the PSE Group, Erik Meijer, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Ryszard Czarnecki, Non-attached Member, Panagiotis Beglitis, Alessandro Battilocchio, Luis Yañez-Barnuevo García and Janez Potočnik (Member of the Commission).

The debate closed.

Vote: Minutes of 13.01.2005, Item 12.2

10.3. Trafficking of women and children in Cambodia (debate)

Motions for resolution B6-0035/2005, B6-0042/2005, B6-0045/2005, B6-0046/2005, B6-0053/2005 and B6-0055/2005

Anna Záborská, Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez, Elizabeth Lynne, Hiltrud Breyer and Kartika Tamara Liotard introduced motions for resolutions.

The following spoke: Bernd Posselt, Urszula Krupa and Janez Potočnik (Member of the Commission).

The debate closed.

Vote: Minutes of 13.01.2005, Item 12.3

Bernd Posselt spoke on the remarks he had made at the beginning of the debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

11. Membership of Parliament

The Portuguese authorities had given notice of the appointment of Pedro Miguel Neves Guerreiro to replace Sérgio Ribeiro as Member of Parliament with effect from 13.01.2005.

The President reminded Members of the provisions of Rule 3(5).

12. Voting time

Details of voting (amendments, separate and split votes, etc.) appear in Annex 1 to the Minutes.

12.1. Tenzin Delek Rinpoche - Tibet (vote)

Motions for resolution B6-0037/2005, B6-0043/2005, B6-0047/2005, B6-0050/2005, B6-0051/2005 and B6-0056/2005

(Simple majority)

(Voting record: Annex 1, Item 6)


(replacing B6-0037/2005, B6-0043/2005, B6-0047/2005, B6-0050/2005, B6-0051/2005 and B6-0056/2005):

tabled by the following Members:

Thomas Mann and Bernd Posselt, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group,

Catherine Stihler and Jan Marinus Wiersma, on behalf of the PSE Group,

Cecilia Malmström and Elspeth Attwooll, on behalf of the ALDE Group,

Raül Romeva i Rueda, Evelin Lichtenberger, Sepp Kusstatscher and Jillian Evans, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group,

Jonas Sjöstedt and Vittorio Emanuele Agnoletto, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group,

Marcin Libicki and Roberta Angelilli, on behalf of the UEN Group

Adopted (P6_TA(2005)0010)

12.2. Torture in Iran (vote)

Motions for resolution B6-0036/2005, B6-0040/2005, B6-0044/2005, B6-0052/2005, B6-0054/2005, B6-0057/2005 and B6-0058/2005

(Simple majority)

(Voting record: Annex 1, Item 7)


(replacing B6-0036/2005, B6-0044/2005, B6-0052/2005, B6-0054/2005 and B6-0058/2005):

tabled by the following Members:

Michael Gahler, Bernd Posselt, Thomas Mann, Struan Stevenson and Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group,

Christa Prets, Paulo Casaca and Jan Marinus Wiersma, on behalf of the PSE Group,

Cecilia Malmström and Alexander Nuno Alvaro, on behalf of the ALDE Group,

Angelika Beer and Monica Frassoni, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group,

André Brie and Giusto Catania, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

(Cristiana Muscardini, Mogens N.J. Camre and Salvatore Tatarella had also signed the joint resolution on behalf of the UEN Group.)

Adopted (P6_TA(2005)0011)

The following spoke:

- Alexander Nuno Alvaro, who moved an oral amendment to paragraph 7;

- Christa Prets, who moved an oral amendment to paragraph 8;

- Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez, on the voting procedure.

(Motions for resolutions B6-0040/2005 and B6-0057/2005 fell.)

12.3.  Trafficking of women and children in Cambodia (vote)

Motions for resolution B6-0035/2005, B6-0042/2005, B6-0045/2005, B6-0046/2005, B6-0053/2005 and B6-0055/2005

(Simple majority)

(Voting record: Annex 1, Item 8)


(replacing B6-0035/2005, B6-0042/2005, B6-0045/2005, B6-0046/2005, B6-0053/2005 and B6-0055/2005):

tabled by the following Members:

Bernd Posselt, Anna Záborská and Thomas Mann, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group,

María Elena Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez and Jan Marinus Wiersma, on behalf of the PSE Group,

Cecilia Malmström, on behalf of the ALDE Group,

Frithjof Schmidt, Jean Lambert and Hélène Flautre, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group,

Eva-Britt Svensson and Luisa Morgantini, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group,

Cristiana Muscardini, on behalf of the UEN Group

Adopted (P6_TA(2005)0012)

13. Decisions concerning certain documents

Decision to draw up own-initiative reports (Rule 45):

DEVE Committee:

Revision of the declaration on the European Community's development policy, adopted by the Council of Development Minsters on 10 November 2000 (2004/2261(INI))
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

The role of the EU in the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (2004/2252(INI))
(opinion: AFET, INTA, ENVI, FEMM)
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

INTA Committee:    

This title is not currently available in all languages. L'avenir du textile et de l'habillement après 2005 (2004/2265(INI))
(opinion: EMPL, ITRE, REGI, JURI)
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

ECON Committee:

This title is not currently available in all languages. Situation de l'économie européenne, rapport préparatoire sur les grandes orientations des politiques économiques (2004/2269(INI))
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

This title is not currently available in all languages. Les finances publiques dans l'Union économique et monétaire UEM en 2004 (2004/2268(INI))
(opinion: BUDG)
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

REGI Committee:

Urban dimension in the context of enlargement (2004/2258(INI))
(opinion: FEMM)
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

The role of direct State aid as a tool of regional development (2004/2255(INI))
(opinion: ECON)
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

Relocation in the context of regional development (2004/2254(INI))
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

This title is not currently available in all languages. Un partenariat renforcé pour les régions ultrapériphériques (2004/2253(INI))
(opinion: ECON, AGRI, PECH)
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

The role of "Euroregions" in the development of regional policy (2004/2257(INI))
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

The role of territorial cohesion in regional development (2004/2256(INI))
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

AGRI Committee:

Promotion of crops for non-food purposes (2004/2259(INI))
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

PECH Committee:

Womens'networks: fishing, farming and diversification (2004/2263(INI))
(opinion: FEMM)
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

This title is not currently available in all languages. La pêche industrielle concernant la fabrication de la farine de poisson (2004/2262(INI))
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

Inshore fishing and the problems encountered by inshore fishermen (2004/2264(INI))
(opinion: FEMM)
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

CULT Committee:

Education as the cornerstone of the Lisbon process (2004/2272(INI))
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

Immigrant communities'integration in Europe through multilingual schools and education (2004/2267(INI))
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

This title is not currently available in all languages. Le nouveau défi du cirque en tant que partie de la culture de l'Europe (2004/2266(INI))
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

Decision to draw up own-initiative reports (Rule 114)

LIBE Committee:

- Proposal for a recommendation to the Council on the quality of criminal justice in the European Union (2005/2003(INI))

Enhanced cooperation between committees was applied to the following reports (Rule 47):

AFET Committee

Proposal for a regulation of the Council establishing an Instrument for Stability (COM(2004)0630 - C6-0251/2004 - 2004/0223(CNS))
(opinion: INTA, BUDG, ITRE, LIBE)
Enhanced cooperation between committees AFET, DEVE
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down general provisions establishing a European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (COM(2004)0628 - C6-0129/2004 - 2004/0219(COD))
Enhanced cooperation between committees AFET, REGI
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

INTA Committee

Proposal for a Council regulation applying a scheme of generalised tariff preferences (COM(2004)0699 - C6-0001/2005 - 2004/0242(CNS))
(opinion: BUDG, ENVI, AGRI, PECH)
Enhanced cooperation between committees INTA, DEVE
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

JURI Committee

Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on statutory audit of annual accounts and consolidated accounts and amending Council Directives 78/660/EEC and 83/349/EEC (COM(2004)0177 - C6-0005/2004 - 2004/0065(COD))
(opinion: EMPL, ITRE, IMCO, LIBE)
Enhanced cooperation between committees JURI, ECON
(Following the Conference of Presidents' Decision of 06.01.2005)

14. Transfers of appropriations

At its meeting of 11 January 2005, the Committee on Budgets had considered proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC01/2005 by the Commission (C6-0005/2005 – SEC(2005)0012 final).

It had authorised the transfer pursuant to Articles 24(3) and 26(2) of the Financial Regulation and Article 23(c) of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 6 May 1999.

On 18 January 2005, the Council would officially confirm its positive opinion as stated during the Trialogue on 12 January 2005. The transfer could then be executed as follows:


Chapter 31 02 – Reserves for financial interventions

Commitments - 100 000 000

Article 31 02 42 – Emergency aid reserve

Payments    - 100 000 000


Chapter 23 02 – Humanitarian aid

Commitments 100 000 000

Article 23 02 01 – Aid, including emergency food aid, to help the populations of the developing countries and other third countries hit by disasters or serious crises

Payments     100 000 000

15. Written declarations entered in the register (Rule 116)

Number of signatures obtained by the written declarations in the register (Rule 116(3)):

Document No




Emma Bonino, Daniel Marc Cohn-Bendit, Bronisław Geremek, João de Deus Pinheiro and Michel Rocard



Carl Lang, Andreas Mölzer and Luca Romagnoli



Luca Romagnoli, Maciej Marian Giertych, Luca Romagnoli, Maciej Marian Giertych, Frank Vanhecke and Jean-Claude Martinez



Philip Claeys, Koenraad Dillen and Frank Vanhecke



Philip Claeys, Koenraad Dillen and Frank Vanhecke



Philip Claeys, Koenraad Dillen and Frank Vanhecke



Paul Marie Coûteaux



Johan Van Hecke, Robert Sturdy, Zuzana Roithová, Erika Mann and Ignasi Guardans Cambó



Bart Staes and Pierre Jonckheer



Bill Newton Dunn



Michał Tomasz Kamiński and Guntars Krasts



Michl Ebner, Neena Gill, Gérard Onesta, Thomas Mann and Gérard Deprez



Lydia Schenardi and Marine Le Pen



Janusz Wojciechowski, Zdzisław Zbigniew Podkański, Czesław Adam Siekierski and Zbigniew Krzysztof Kuźmiuk



Lydia Schenardi and Marine Le Pen



Marie Anne Isler Béguin



Zdzisław Zbigniew Podkański



Koenraad Dillen, Frank Vanhecke, Philip Claeys, Jean-Claude Martinez



Dariusz Rosati, Bogusław Sonik



Andreas Mölzer



Richard Seeber, Jens-Peter Bonde, Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf, James Nicholson, Janusz Wojciechowski



Geoffrey Van Orden, Elmar Brok, Alexandra Dobolyi, Alexander Lambsdorff



Margrietus van den Berg, Marianne Thyssen, Joost Lagendijk, Toine Manders



Claude Moraes, Neena Gill, Jo Leinen, Hartmut Nassauer, Jan Mulder


16. Forwarding of texts adopted during the sitting

Pursuant to Rule 172(2), the Minutes of that day's sitting would be submitted to Parliament for its approval at the beginning of the next sitting.

With Parliament's agreement, the texts that had been adopted would be forwarded forthwith to the bodies named therein.

17. Dates for next sittings

The next sittings would be held on 26.01.2005 and 27.01.2005.

18. Adjournment of session

The session of the European Parliament was adjourned.

The sitting closed at 16.25.

Julian Priestley

Josep Borrell Fontelles




The following signed:

Adamou, Adwent, Agnoletto, Albertini, Allister, Alvaro, Andersson, Andrejevs, Andria, Andrikienė, Angelilli, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Atkins, Attwooll, Aubert, Auken, Ayala Sender, Aylward, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Baco, Barsi-Pataky, Batten, Battilocchio, Batzeli, Bauer, Beaupuy, Becsey, Beer, Beglitis, Belder, Belet, Belohorská, Bennahmias, Beňová, Berend, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Birutis, Blokland, Böge, Bösch, Bonde, Bonino, Booth, Borghezio, Borrell Fontelles, Bourlanges, Bowis, Bozkurt, Bradbourn, Mihael Brejc, Brepoels, Bresso, Breyer, Březina, Brie, Brok, Budreikaitė, Buitenweg, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Busuttil, Cabrnoch, Calabuig Rull, Callanan, Camre, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casa, Casaca, Cashman, Caspary, Castex, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Catania, Cavada, Cederschiöld, Cercas, Chatzimarkakis, Chichester, Chiesa, Chmielewski, Christensen, Chruszcz, Cirino Pomicino, Claeys, Cocilovo, Cohn-Bendit, Corbett, Corbey, Cornillet, Correia, António Costa, Costa, Cottigny, Coûteaux, Cramer, Crowley, Marek Aleksander Czarnecki, Ryszard Czarnecki, Daul, Davies, De Poli, de Brún, Degutis, De Keyser, Del Turco, Demetriou, Deprez, De Rossa, De Sarnez, Descamps, Désir, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, De Vits, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dičkutė, Didžiokas, Díez González, Dillen, Dionisi, Dobolyi, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Douay, Dover, Doyle, Drčar Murko, Duchoň, Dührkop Dührkop, Duff, Duin, Duka-Zólyomi, Duquesne, Ebner, Ehler, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Eurlings, Jillian Evans, Jonathan Evans, Robert Evans, Fajmon, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Ferber, Fernandes, Fernández Martín, Anne Ferreira, Elisa Ferreira, Figueiredo, Fjellner, Flasarová, Flautre, Florenz, Fontaine, Ford, Fotyga, Fourtou, Fraga Estévez, Frassoni, Freitas, Friedrich, Fruteau, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, García Pérez, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gebhardt, Gentvilas, Geremek, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gibault, Gierek, Giertych, Gill, Gklavakis, Glante, Glattfelder, Goebbels, Goepel, Golik, Gomes, Gomolka, Goudin, Genowefa Grabowska, Grabowski, Graefe zu Baringdorf, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Graça Moura, Grech, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Grosch, Grossetête, Gruber, Guardans Cambó, Guellec, Guidoni, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Guy-Quint, Gyürk, Hänsch, Hall, Hammerstein Mintz, Hamon, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Harkin, Hassi, Hatzidakis, Haug, Hazan, Heaton-Harris, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Helmer, Henin, Hennicot-Schoepges, Hennis-Plasschaert, Herczog, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Honeyball, Hoppenstedt, Horáček, Hortefeux, Howitt, Hudacký, Hudghton, Hughes, Hutchinson, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Ilves, in 't Veld, Isler Béguin, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jäätteenmäki, Jałowiecki, Janowski, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jensen, Joan i Marí, Jöns, Jørgensen, Jonckheer, Jordan Cizelj, Juknevičienė, Jelko Kacin, Kaczmarek, Kallenbach, Kamiński, Karas, Karim, Kasoulides, Kaufmann, Kauppi, Tunne Kelam, Kilroy-Silk, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Klinz, Koch, Kohlíček, Konrad, Korhola, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Kozlík, Krahmer, Krarup, Krasts, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kristovskis, Krupa, Kuc, Kudrycka, Kuhne, Kułakowski, Kušķis, Kusstatscher, Kuźmiuk, Lagendijk, Laignel, Lamassoure, Lambert, Lambrinidis, Lambsdorff, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Laperrouze, La Russa, Laschet, Lauk, Lechner, Le Foll, Lehideux, Lehne, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Fernand Le Rachinel, Lévai, Janusz Lewandowski, Liberadzki, Libicki, Lichtenberger, Lienemann, Liotard, Lipietz, Locatelli, López-Istúriz White, Ludford, Lulling, Lundgren, Lynne, Maat, Maaten, McCarthy, McDonald, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Madeira, Manders, Maňka, Thomas Mann, Manolakou, Markov, Marques, Martens, David Martin, Hans-Peter Martin, Martinez, Martínez Martínez, Masiel, Masip Hidalgo, Maštálka, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsakis, Matsis, Matsouka, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Medina Ortega, Meijer, Méndez de Vigo, Menéndez del Valle, Meyer Pleite, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Mohácsi, Montoro Romero, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Morillon, Moscovici, Mote, Mulder, Musacchio, Muscardini, Muscat, Musotto, Mussolini, Musumeci, Myller, Napoletano, Nassauer, Nattrass, Navarro, Newton Dunn, Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Obiols i Germà, Özdemir, Olajos, Olbrycht, Onesta, Onyszkiewicz, Oomen-Ruijten, Ortuondo Larrea, Őry, Ouzký, Oviir, Pack, Pafilis, Borut Pahor, Paleckis, Pálfi, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Pannella, Panzeri, Papadimoulis, Papastamkos, Parish, Patrie, Pavilionis, Peillon, Pęk, Alojz Peterle, Pflüger, Piecyk, Pieper, Pīks, Pinior, Piotrowski, Pirilli, Piskorski, Pistelli, Pittella, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Pleštinská, Podkański, Poettering, Poignant, Polfer, Poli Bortone, Pomés Ruiz, Portas, Posselt, Prets, Prodi, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Ransdorf, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Remek, Resetarits, Reul, Reynaud, Ribeiro, Ribeiro e Castro, Riera Madurell, Riis-Jørgensen, Rizzo, Rogalski, Roithová, Romagnoli, Romeva i Rueda, Rosati, Roszkowski, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Rühle, Rutowicz, Ryan, Sacconi, Saïfi, Sakalas, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Salinas García, Salvini, Samaras, Samuelsen, Sánchez Presedo, Santoro, dos Santos, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Savary, Savi, Sbarbati, Scheele, Schenardi, Schierhuber, Schlyter, Schmidt, Pál Schmitt, Ingo Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schroedter, Schulz, Schuth, Schwab, Seeber, Segelström, Seppänen, Siekierski, Sifunakis, Silva Peneda, Sinnott, Siwiec, Skinner, Škottová, Smith, Sommer, Sonik, Sousa Pinto, Spautz, Speroni, Staes, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Šťastný, Stenzel, Sterckx, Stevenson, Stihler, Strejček, Stroz, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Svensson, Swoboda, Szájer, Szejna, Szent-Iványi, Szymański, Tajani, Takkula, Tannock, Tarabella, Tarand, Tatarella, Thomsen, Thyssen, Titford, Titley, Toia, Tomczak, Toubon, Toussas, Trautmann, Triantaphyllides, Trüpel, Turmes, Tzampazi, Ulmer, Väyrynen, Vakalis, Vanhecke, Van Hecke, Van Lancker, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vaugrenard, Ventre, Vergnaud, Vidal-Quadras Roca, de Villiers, Villiers, Vincenzi, Virrankoski, Vlasák, Voggenhuber, Wagenknecht, Wallis, Walter, Watson, Henri Weber, Weiler, Weisgerber, Westlund, Whitehead, Whittaker, Wieland, Wiersma, Wierzejski, Wijkman, Wise, von Wogau, Wohlin, Wojciechowski, Wortmann-Kool, Wuermeling, Wurtz, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zani, Zappalà, Ždanoka, Zieleniec, Zīle, Zimmer, Zingaretti, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

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