MinutesVotesRoll-call votesTexts adoptedVerbatim reports
Wednesday, 23 February 2005 - Strasbourg
 1.Opening of sitting
 3.Statement by the President
 4.Official welcome
 5.EU relations with the Mediterranean region (debate)
 6.Human Rights (Geneva, 14 March to 22 April 2005) (debate)
 7.Voting time
7.1.EC-Egypt Euro-Mediterranean Agreement *** (Rule 131) (vote)
7.2.Community Customs Code***II (Rule 131) (vote)
7.3.Vocational training statistics ***I (Rule 131) (vote)
7.4.Seafarers' Identity Documents * (Rule 131) (vote)
7.5.Pollution from ships ***II (vote)
7.6.Driving licences ***I (vote)
 8.Formal sitting - Ukraine
 9.Voting time (continuation)
9.1.River Traffic Information Services ***I (vote)
9.2.Recognition of seafarers' certificates ***I (vote)
9.3.Fisheries Control Agency * (vote)
9.4.Environment and Health Action Plan 2004-2010 (vote)
9.5.EU relations with the Mediterranean region (vote)
 10.Explanations of vote
 11.Corrections to votes
 12.Request for the waiver of parliamentary immunity
 13.Approval of Minutes of previous sitting
 14.Human Rights (Geneva, 14 March to 22 April 2005) (continuation of debate)
 15.Elections in Moldova (debate)
 16.Action against hunger and poverty (debate)
 17.Expiry of the WTO Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (debate)
 18.Question Time (Council)
 19.Unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices ***II (debate)
 20.Health and safety at the workplace (debate)
 21.The steel sector (debate)
 22.Agenda for next sitting
 23.Closure of sitting
Minutes (159 kb) Attendance register (61 kb) Results of votes (98 kb) Results of roll-call votes (719 kb) 
Minutes (113 kb) Attendance register (23 kb) Results of votes (117 kb) Results of roll-call votes (273 kb) 
Minutes (185 kb) Attendance register (62 kb) Results of votes (161 kb) Results of roll-call votes (200 kb) 
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