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Document stages in plenary
Document selected : RC-B6-0401/2006

Texts tabled :


Debates :

PV 06/07/2006 - 13.3
CRE 06/07/2006 - 13.3

Votes :

PV 06/07/2006 - 14.2
PV 06/07/2006 - 14.3
CRE 06/07/2006 - 14.2

Texts adopted :


Thursday, 6 July 2006 - Strasbourg

14.3. Freedom of expression on the internet (vote)

Motions for resolution B6-0401/2006, B6-0402/2006, B6-0404/2006, B6-0408/2006, B6-0411/2006 and B6-0414/2006

(Simple majority)

(Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 22)


(replacing B6-0401/2006, B6-0402/2006, B6-0404/2006, B6-0408/2006, B6-0411/2006 and B6-0414/2006):

tabled by the following Members:

Simon Coveney and Charles Tannock, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group,
Pasqualina Napoletano, Catherine Trautmann and Christa Prets, on behalf of the PSE Group,
Henrik Lax, Marios Matsakis and Frédérique Ries, on behalf of the ALDE Group,
Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Monica Frassoni, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group,
Vittorio Agnoletto, Umberto Guidoni and Miguel Portas, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group,
Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka, Mieczysław Edmund Janowski, Zbigniew Krzysztof Kuźmiuk, Zdzisław Zbigniew Podkański and Janusz Wojciechowski, on behalf of the UEN Group.

The President pointed out that only the English version of the text was available due to a technical problem. He asked whether the House would accept continuing with the vote as planned. The House agreed, and the vote went ahead (the other language versions would be aligned with the English version).

Adopted (P6_TA(2006)0325)

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