Report on the situation of people with disabilities in the enlarged European Union: the European Action Plan 2006-2007 (2006/2105(INI)) - Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. Rapporteur: Elizabeth Lynne (A6-0351/2006)
Elizabeth Lynne introduced the report.
Vladimír Špidla (Member of the Commission) spoke.
The following spoke: Gyula Hegyi (draftsman of the opinion of the CULT Committee), Iles Braghetto, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, and Evangelia Tzampazi, on behalf of the PSE Group.
IN THE CHAIR: Sylvia-Yvonne KAUFMANN Vice-President
The following spoke: Arūnas Degutis, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Ilda Figueiredo, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Mieczysław Edmund Janowski, on behalf of the UEN Group, Andrzej Tomasz Zapałowski, on behalf of the IND/DEM Group, Ana Mato Adrover, Richard Howitt, Philip Bushill-Matthews, Elizabeth Lynne and Vladimír Špidla.