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Minutes - Results of votes
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Thursday, 29 March 2007 - Brussels
 Abbreviations and symbols

 1. Mediation in civil and commercial matters ***I

 2. Community participation in the capital increase of the European Investment Fund *

 3. Request for defence of the immunity of Giuseppe Gargani

 4. Review of the medical device directives ***I

 5. Structural business statistics ***I

 6. Compliance with the obligations of Flag States ***I

 7. Civil liability and financial guarantees of shipowners ***I

 8. Organic production and labelling of organic products *

 9. Security at Football Matches *

 10. The future of Kosovo and the role of the EU

 11. The future of the European Union's own resources

 12. 2008 budget guidelines

 13. Future of Professional Football in Europe

 14. The integration of new Member States in the CAP
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