Amendments by the committee responsible – block vote
1-40 42-61 63-76
Amendments by the committee responsible – separate vote
297, 350, 14
Article 16
Vote: amended proposal
Draft legislative resolution
§ 2
Vote: legislative resolution
Requests for split votes PPE-DE: am 41 First part: Text as a whole excluding the words ‘on the basis of proposals from an Identification Committee’ Second part: those words
2. Right to vote and stand in elections to the European Parliament for EU citizens residing in a foreign Member State *
Requests for roll-call votes PSE am 8 and final vote Verts/ALE ams 3, 5, 6, 8, 12 and 14 Requests for split votes PPE-DE: am 8 First part: ‘Calls on the Commission ... hazardous chemicals,’ without the word ‘unconditional’ Second part: ‘unconditional’ Third part: ‘such as ... and fragrances;’ Miscellaneous Janelly Fourtou, Karin Riis-Jørgensen, Gianluca Susta and Danutė Budreikaitė had also signed the joint motion for a resolution on behalf of the ALDE Group. The GUE/NGL Group had not signed am 10.
5. Towards a common European foreign policy on energy
Requests for roll-call votes IND/DEM: citation 12, §§ 13 and 65, and final vote ALDE: am 2 PPE-DE: § 62 and final vote Requests for separate votes PPE-DE: citation 12, §§ 2, 4, 29 and 38 Requests for split votes IND/DEM: recital H First part: ‘whereas a common European ... for the European Union’ Second part: ‘and would enhance ... as a global actor’ PPE-DE: § 62 First part: Text as a whole excluding the words ‘and in particular ... transmission and distribution;’ Second part: those words
Requests for roll-call votes ITS: ams 3, 4, 5, 8, 11 and final vote PPE-DE: final vote Requests for separate votes GUE/NGL: § 31 Requests for split votes GUE/NGL: § 22 First part: ‘Welcomes ... and third countries;’ Second part: ‘agrees that ... must be promoted;’ § 23 First part: ‘Calls furthermore ... and integration;’ Second part: ‘points out that ... intended objective;’
7. Policy priorities in the fight against illegal immigration of third-country nationals
Requests for roll-call votes: ITS: ams 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 13, 15 and final vote PPE-DE: final vote Requests for separate votes GUE/NGL: recital I, §§ 32, 35, 36, 37, 43, 45, 46, 68, 70 PPE-DE: §§ 6 and 14 Requests for split votes PPE-DE: am 11 First part: (deletion) Second part: ‘Considers that it is the politicians’ responsibility ... illegal immigration’ cons J First part: ‘whereas extending opportunities ... illegal entries;’ Second part: ‘and hence the large number of illegal residents;’ GUE/NGL: § 23 First part: ‘Believes that ... in co-development;’ Second part: ‘believes that ... such agreements;’ ALDE: § 17 First part: Text as a whole excluding the words ‘reception or’ Second part: these words Verts/ALE: am 23 First part: ‘Believes that ... working of readmission agreements’ Second part: ‘considers that readmission agreements ... in transit;’ am 24 First part: Text as a whole excluding the deletion Second part: the deletion