- The work of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly in 2007 (2007/2180(INI))
Authorisation to draw up own-initiative reports(Rule 45)
AFCO Committee
- Proposal for a modification of the Act concerning the election of the representatives of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage of 20 September 1976 (2007/2207(INI)) (opinion: JURI) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
AFET Committee
- Stabilisation of Afghanistan: challenges for the EU and the international community (2007/2208(INI)) (opinion: DEVE) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
AGRI Committee
- The future of the sheep/lamb and goat sector in Europe (2007/2192(INI)) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
- What future for young farmers under the ongoing reform of the CAP (2007/2194(INI)) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
- The Health Check on the CAP (2007/2195(INI)) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
- The future of milk quotas: consequences for the sector and the rural areas concerned (2007/2193(INI)) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
CULT Committee
- A European agenda for culture in a globalising world (2007/2211(INI)) (opinion: DEVE, AFET, EMPL, BUDG, ITRE, JURI, INTA, IMCO, REGI) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
DEVE Committee
- Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in Development Cooperation (2007/2182(INI)) (opinion: FEMM) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
- Policy coherence for development and the effects of the EU's exploitation of certain biological natural resources on development in West Africa (2007/2183(INI)) (opinion: PECH, ENVI) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
ECON Committee
- Asset management II (2007/2200(INI)) (opinion: JURI, IMCO) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
- Competition: Sector inquiry on retail banking (2007/2201(INI)) (opinion: ITRE, JURI, IMCO) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
- Deposit guarantee schemes (2007/2199(INI)) (opinion: JURI, IMCO) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
EMPL Committee
- Progress made in equal-opportunities and non-discrimination in the EU (the transposition of Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC (2007/2202(INI)) (opinion: FEMM, LIBE) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
- Common principles on Flexicurity (2007/2209(INI)) (opinion: FEMM, CULT, ITRE, JURI, ECON) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
ENVI Committee
- Mid-term review of the Sixth Community Environment Action Programme (2007/2204(INI)) (opinion: DEVE, AFET, AGRI, ITRE, ECON, INTA, IMCO, TRAN, REGI) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
- Organ donation and transplantation: Policy actions at EU level (2007/2210(INI)) (opinion: AFET, JURI, LIBE) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
- Green paper on market-based instruments for environment and related policy purposes (2007/2203(INI)) (opinion: ITRE, IMCO, TRAN, ECON) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
FEMM Committee
- Women and science (2007/2206(INI)) (opinion: ITRE) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
- The role of women in industry (2007/2197(INI)) (opinion: ITRE) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
IMCO Committee
- The EU Consumer Policy strategy 2007-2013 (2007/2189(INI)) (opinion: JURI, ECON) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
INTA Committee
- Towards a reformed World Trade Organisation (2007/2184(INI)) (opinion: ECON) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
- Economic and Trade Relations with Korea (2007/2186(INI)) (opinion: EMPL, ITRE, JURI, ECON, IMCO) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
- The reform of the Community Trade Defence Instruments (2007/2198(INI)) (opinion: AFET, ECON, LIBE) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
- The EU's Strategy to deliver market access for European companies (2007/2185(INI)) (opinion: ENVI, ITRE, JURI, ECON, IMCO) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
ITRE Committee
- Global Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund (2007/2188(INI)) (opinion: BUDG, DEVE, ENVI) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
- The European Research Area: New Perspectives (2007/2187(INI)) (opinion: CULT, EMPL, JURI, ECON, IMCO, REGI) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
JURI Committee
- The defence of the prerogatives of the European Parliament before the national courts (2007/2205(INI)) (opinion: AFCO) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
LIBE Committee
- Green Paper: Diplomatic and consular protection of Union citizens in third countries (2007/2196(INI)) (opinion: DEVE, AFET, JURI) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
- Green Paper on the role of civil society in drugs policy in the European Union (2007/2212(INI)) (opinion: FEMM, ENVI, ITRE, ECON, IMCO) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
REGI Committee
- The follow-up of the Territorial Agenda and the Leipzig Charter - Towards a European action programme for spatial development and territorial cohesion (2007/2190(INI)) (opinion: ENVI) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
- The impact of cohesion policy on the integration of vulnerable communities and groups (2007/2191(INI)) (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
Decision to draw up own-initiative reports ((Rule 114))
AFET Committee
- The European Union's role in Iraq (2007/2181(INI)) (opinion: DEVE, BUDG, INTA)
Associated committees
AFET Committee
- Stabilisation of Afghanistan: challenges for the EU and the international community (2007/2208(INI)) Associated committees AFET, DEVE (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
BUDG Committee
- Amendment of regulation on a standard financial regulation for the executive agencies entrusted with the management of Community programmes (SEC(2007)0492 - C6-0123/2007 - 2007/0901(CNS)) Associated committees BUDG, CONT (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
DEVE Committee
- Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in Development Cooperation (2007/2182(INI)) Associated committees DEVE, FEMM (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
- Policy coherence for development and the effects of the EU's exploitation of certain biological natural resources on development in West Africa (2007/2183(INI)) Associated committees DEVE, PECH, ENVI (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
ENVI Committee
- Green paper on market-based instruments for environment and related policy purposes (2007/2203(INI)) (opinion: ITRE, IMCO, TRAN) Associated committees ENVI, ECON (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
- Classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (COM(2007)0355 - C6-0197/2007 - 2007/0121(COD)) (opinion: ITRE) Associated committees ENVI, IMCO (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
ITRE Committee
- Global Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund (2007/2188(INI)) (opinion: BUDG) Associated committees ITRE, DEVE, ENVI (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
JURI Committee
- Defence of the prerogatives of the European Parliament before the national courts (2007/2205(INI)) Associated committees JURI, AFCO (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)
Change of referral
- Sanctions against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals (COM(2007)0249 - C6-0143/2007 - 2007/0094(COD)) referred to responsible: LIBE opinion: FEMM, AGRI, ITRE, EMPL
- Draft Commission regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1653/2004 on a standard financial regulation for the executive agencies pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No 58/2003 laying down the statute for executive agencies to be entrusted with certain tasks in the management of Community programmes (SEC(2007)0492 - C6-0123/2007 – 2007/0901(CNS))
referred to responsible: BUDG
opinion: CONT
(Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 20.09.2007)