MinutesVotesRoll-call votesTexts adoptedVerbatim reports
Tuesday, 11 December 2007 - Strasbourg
 1.Opening of sitting
 2.Decision on urgent procedure
 3.Debates on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled)
 4.Commission legislative and work programme for 2008 (motions for resolutions tabled)
 5.Economic Partnership Agreements (motions for resolutions tabled)
 6.Documents received
 7.Common organisation of the market in wine * (debate)
 8.CAP: common rules for direct support schemes and certain support schemes for farmers and support for rural development * (debate)
 9.Voting time
9.1.EC/Morocco agreement: air services, protocol following the accession of Bulgaria and Romania * (Rule 131) (vote)
9.2.EC/Georgia, Lebanon, Maldives, Moldova, Singapore and Uruguay Agreements: Protocols amending the agreements on certain aspects of air services following the accession of Bulgaria and Romania * (Rule 131) (vote)
9.3.Rural development: adapting Annex VIII to the Act of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania * (Rule 131) (vote)
9.4.Monitoring of exports of agricultural products receiving refunds or other amounts * (Rule 131) (vote)
9.5.Wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors: coupling device and reverse (codified version) ***I (Rule 131) (vote)
9.6.Non-automatic weighing instruments (codified version) ***I (Rule 131) (vote)
9.7.Radioactive contamination of foodstuffs and of feedingstuffs * (Rule 131) (vote)
9.8.Minimum standards for the protection of calves (codified version) * (Rule 131) (vote)
9.9.Marketing of fruit plant propagating material and fruit plants intended for fruit production * (Rule 131) (vote)
9.10.Temporary provisions concerning VAT rates * (Rule 131) (vote)
9.11.The ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking * (Rule 131) (vote)
9.12.The ENIAC Joint Undertaking * (Rule 131) (vote)
9.13.The Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking * (Rule 131) (vote)
9.14.The Clean Sky Joint Undertaking * (Rule 131) (vote)
9.15.Green Paper: Diplomatic and consular protection of Union citizens (Rule 131) (vote)
9.16.Draft amending budget No 7/2007 (Rule 131) (vote)
9.17.A paperless environment for customs and trade ***II (Rule 131) (vote)
9.18.Protection and conservation of the marine environment: Marine Strategy Directive ***II (vote)
9.19.Air pollution: ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe ***II (vote)
9.20.The interoperability of the Community rail system (recast) ***I (vote)
9.21.CAP: common rules for direct support schemes and certain support schemes for farmers and support for rural development * (vote)
 10.Award of the Sakharov Prize (Formal sitting)
 11.Explanations of vote
 12.Corrections to votes and voting intentions
 13.Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting
 14.Draft general budget 2008 as modified by the Council (all sections) (debate)
 15.Annual report of the European Union on human rights (debate)
 16.Second EU/Africa Summit (Lisbon, 8 and 9 December 2007) (debate)
 17.Question Time (Commission)
 18.European Aviation Safety Agency ***II (debate)
 19.Eurovignette (debate)
 20.Information provision and promotion measures for agricultural products * (debate)
 21.Legal protection of designs ***I (debate)
 22.Agenda for next sitting
 23.Closure of the sitting
Minutes (205 kb) Attendance register (64 kb)       
Minutes (154 kb) Attendance register (23 kb) Results of votes (172 kb) Results of roll-call votes (212 kb) 
Minutes (219 kb) Attendance register (64 kb) Results of votes (128 kb) Results of roll-call votes (122 kb) 
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