Oral question (O-0005/2008) by Jean-Marie Cavada, on behalf of the LIBE Committee, to the Council: 2007 annual debate on the progress made in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (FSJA) (Articles 2 and 39 of the EU Treaty) (B6-0006/2008)
Oral question (O-0006/2008) by Jean-Marie Cavada, on behalf of the LIBE Committee, to the Commission: 2007 annual debate on the progress made in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (FSJA) (Articles 2 and 39 of the EU Treaty) (B6-0007/2008)
Gérard Deprez, deputising for the author, moved the oral question.
Dragutin Mate (President-in-Office of the Council) answered the question (B6-0006/2008).
Franco Frattini (Vice-President of the Commission) answered the question (B6-0007/2008).
The following spoke: Manfred Weber, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Claudio Fava, on behalf of the PSE Group, Sarah Ludford, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Seán Ó Neachtain, on behalf of the UEN Group, Jean Lambert, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Giusto Catania, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Johannes Blokland, on behalf of the IND/DEM Group, Koenraad Dillen, Non-attached Member, Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Stavros Lambrinidis, Alexander Alvaro, Mario Borghezio, Jana Bobošíková, Mihael Brejc and Martine Roure.
The following spoke: Sophia in 't Veld, Konrad Szymański, Marian-Jean Marinescu, Genowefa Grabowska, Ignasi Guardans Cambó and Roselyne Lefrançois.
The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Jean-Marie Cavada.
The following spoke: Dragutin Mate, Franco Frattini and Sophia in 't Veld, who asked the Council to provide a written answer to her questions.
As the motions for a resolution tabled were not yet available, they would be announced in the House at a later time.