- Geological storage of carbon dioxide (COM(2008)0018 - C6-0040/2008 - 2008/0015(COD)) Associated committees ENVI, ITRE (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 13.03.2008)
- Shared effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (COM(2008)0017 - C6-0041/2008 - 2008/0014(COD)) (opinion: EMPL, ECON, INTA, REGI) Associated committees ENVI, ITRE (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 13.03.2008)
- Greenhouse gas emission allowance trading system (COM(2008)0016 - C6-0043/2008 - 2008/0013(COD)) (opinion: ECON, INTA, REGI) Associated committees ENVI, ITRE (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 13.03.2008)
- Emission performance standards for new passenger cars (COM(2007)0856 - C6-0022/2008 - 2007/0297(COD)) (opinion: IMCO, TRAN) Associated committees ENVI, ITRE (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 13.03.2008)
ITRE Committee
- Energy produced from renewable sources (COM(2008)0019 - C6-0046/2008 - 2008/0016(COD)) (opinion: AGRI, ECON, INTA, TRAN, REGI) Associated committees ITRE, ENVI (Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 13.03.2008)
Referral to committees
Temporary Committee on Climate Change
- Shared effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (COM(2008)0017 - C6-0041/2008 - 2008/0014(COD)) referred to responsible: ENVI opinion: EMPL, ECON, INTA, REGI, ITRE
Decision to draw up a report under Rule 202
AFCO Committee
- Report on the Approval of the Commission, Amendments to the Rules of Procedure (2007/2128(REG))