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Procedure : 2008/2682(RSP)
Document stages in plenary
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Debates :

PV 03/12/2008 - 17
CRE 03/12/2008 - 17

Votes :

PV 04/12/2008 - 7.9
CRE 04/12/2008 - 7.9

Texts adopted :


Wednesday, 3 December 2008 - Brussels

17. Arms exports (Code of Conduct) (debate)
Verbatim reports

Council statement: Arms exports (Code of Conduct)

Jean-Pierre Jouyet (President-in-Office of the Council) made the statement.

The following spoke: Stefano Zappalà, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Ana Maria Gomes, on behalf of the PSE Group, Renate Weber, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Raül Romeva i Rueda, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Tobias Pflüger, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Justas Vincas Paleckis and Jan Cremers.

The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Ioan Mircea Paşcu.

Motions for resolutions to wind up the debate tabled under Rule 103(2):

- Raül Romeva i Rueda and Angelika Beer, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, on the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Transfers – failure of the Council to adopt the Common Position and transform the Code into a legally binding instrument – need to control arms brokering (B6-0619/2008),

- Ana Maria Gomes, on behalf of the PSE Group, on the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports (B6-0620/2008),

- Stefano Zappalà and Karl von Wogau, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Renate Weber, on behalf of the ALDE Group, and Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis, on behalf of the UEN Group, on the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports (B6-0621/2008),

- Tobias Pflüger and Willy Meyer Pleite, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, on the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Transfers – failure of the Council to adopt the Common Position and transform the Code into a legally binding instrument – need to control arms brokering (B6-0622/2008).

The debate closed.

Vote: minutes of 04.12.2008, item 7.9.

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