Report: on the proposal for a Council regulation amending the Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Communities [COM(2008)0786 - C6-0449/2008 - 2008/0224(CNS)] - Committee on Legal Affairs. Rapporteur: Giuseppe Gargani (A6-0483/2008)
Giuseppe Gargani (rapporteur), who moved oral amendments to Amendments 62, 65 and 75,which were accepted.
Before the final vote, Giuseppe Gargani asked the Commission to clarify its position, which Margot Wallström (Vice-President of the Commission) did.
After the final vote, Giuseppe Gargani read out the following political declaration:
'The European Parliament and the Council agree, without prejudice to the powers of the budgetary authority, that the transition to the new arrangements for accredited parliamentary assistants will not in itself give rise to any increase in the appropriations entered in the section of the general budget of the European Union dealing with the European Parliament and intended to cover parliamentary assistance by comparison with the corresponding appropriations in the 2008 budget, save as a result of index-linking.
The European Parliament draws attention to Article 69(2) of the Implementing Measures for the Statute for Members of the European Parliament, adopted by its Bureau on 17 July 2008, which stipulates that the amount to be defrayed for all parliamentary assistants may be index-linked annually by Parliament's Bureau.
The European Parliament and the Council agree that in the event that the Commission were to propose, in conformity with Article 96(11) of the Conditions of employment of other servants, an adjustment of the contributions to the unemployment insurance scheme owing to the inclusion of accredited parliamentary assistants in that scheme, the necessary payments by the European Parliament should be financed under an appropriate budget heading and paid from the total appropriations allocated to the section of the budget relating to the European Parliament.
The European Parliament and the Council point out that, pursuant to the second subparagraph of Article 248(4) of the EC Treaty, the Court of Auditors may at any time submit observations, particularly in the form of special reports, on specific questions and deliver opinions at the request of one of the other institutions of the Community.
The European Parliament undertakes to consult the future body set up to represent accredited parliamentary assistants on any change which may be made to the internal decision referred to in Article 125(1) of the CEOS.'
The President welcomed the outcome of the vote.
Monica Frassoni associated herself with those remarks.